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1 McEnroe 's autumn slog through Europe , which will include a trip to Wembley for next month 's Silk Cut Championships , is designed for one purpose : ‘ I 'm trying to get myself prepared for the Masters , hopefully to do well .
2 The results of the survey , which will include a national poll , will be known to senior police officers in the next few weeks , but will not be made public until early in the new year .
3 One session of pilot training will cost you £323 which will include ground training and a flight .
4 It was , however , Geoffrey Dawson , editor of The Times , who , in an editorial on 16 September , was the first to suggest that the National Government itself , and not the parties separately , should make an appeal to the country ‘ on a broad programme of reconstruction which will include a tariff ’ .
5 The five-star-standard , 649-bedroom hotel will have a pre-war ocean liner theme which will include curved timber panelling , etched glass and polished chrome interior .
6 However , the bill does place a ‘ duty ’ on every RHA to ensure that its own and its constituent FPCs ' spending , which will include GPs ' indicative drugs budgets , ‘ does not exceed the aggregate ’ of its income .
7 Spencer yesterday inspecting progress in the construction of the main shopping block at the £4billion Canary Wharf development , which will include a new 13,000-square foot M&S food hall .
8 Spencer yesterday inspecting progress in the construction of the main shopping block at the £4billion Canary Wharf development , which will include a new 13,000-square foot M&S food hall .
9 Interest charges nearly quadrupled to £1.7million , but the Wednesbury development , which will include an IKEA furniture superstore , promises to keep property revenues rising .
10 Although he would not care to make predictions , ‘ it is not unlikely that the other side of the election , particularly in the case of Labour , we will have to take some very , very tough action indeed — not the least of which will include raising interest rates ’ .
11 Mr de Klerk and a delegation which will include his Foreign Minister , Mr Pik Botha , and leaders of business and commerce will fly to Lagos on Thursday for the two-day visit , ending nearly three decades of hostility .
12 Currently the players , who all come from Surrey and Hampshire , are preparing a summer concert which will include four Vivaldi concertos as well as works by Mozart , Tchaikovsky and Debussy .
13 Bohunt 's team will enjoy an evening of entertainment which will include tasting food and listening to the music of many countries .
14 Targets already announced for the year are 4705m capex , and savings of $150m , which will include job cuts and savings across the board .
15 The Craft Village is part of an overall development to be completed by 1993 which will include a siege exhibition centre , a youth hostel and a heritage centre housing genealogical research and conference facilities .
16 For your evening entertainment , we intend to hold a ‘ boat ’ party with a trip round the lake , which will include drinks , live music and dancing plus a very enjoyable night of traditional folk music and dancing during a relaxing evening spent at a popular wine cellar ( try the local vintage ! ) .
17 The GV 's 45-foot long 1,905 cubic foot cabin will have room for crew rest areas , lavatories and galleys , while passengers will be afforded maximum room by a ‘ wide inside ’ interior which will include ‘ super galleys ’ , rest and exercise areas and showers .
18 2 wishes to take an exclusive sub-licence of all of 's rights relating to the Licensed Software in the territories set out in Schedule 2 to this Agreement ( ‘ the Agreed Territories ’ ) for the purposes set out in this Agreement , which will include the publication of customised disks to meet specific market needs as described in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to this Agreement ( ‘ the Student Disks ’ ) .
19 At 8.30 you 'll take your places for a three-course meal which will include Smoked salmon .
20 The Association , who are rebuilding Modified Hall 7903 Foremarke Hall , are running the day as a fundraising event which will include sideshows , a fun-fair and , of course , steam specials .
21 Looking to the longer term , the Company has outline plans for a later phase of developments which will include platform improvements and a visitors ' viewing gallery in the workshops but at the moment all efforts are focused on phase 1 .
22 The timetable will include the established ‘ Vintage Train ’ ( original TR Loco and coaches dating from 1865/6 ) , and also a ‘ Heritage Train ’ which will include the historic coaches from the former Glyn Valley Tramway and Corris Railway .
23 Conversely , the new Modern Art galleries will show international modern art of the twentieth century from Fauvism to the present , which will include outstanding examples of British art .
24 Decisions are then needed on how to train , which will include whether or which parts should be on-line or off-line , whether the operator is required to function in a mainly programmed ( i.e. rule-following ) mode and how far he may need to function in a conceptual ( i.e. actions based on understanding ) mode .
25 In one short year class organisation and management , teaching skills , methodology ( which will include those many initial strategies appropriate to the teaching of reading and early mathematics ) must be mastered .
26 We know HP and IBM Corp are working on an early sample version of COSE code , which will include interface widgets , and HP 's VUE look and feel dominated the COSE desktop shown at the original announcement ( UX No 428 ) .
27 Dallas , Texas-based Saber Software Corp has licensed a subset of the Saber Menu System for MS-DOS , to Novell Inc , which will include the Saber Menu Language in NetWare v4.0 , so it will be goodbye to the old Novell Menu utility MENU.EXE .
28 The Greek Telecommunications Organisation , OTE , is expected to show a record $700m pre-tax profit this year compared to $400m in 1992 , Reuter reports from Athens : ‘ It will be a record profit allowing us to invest heavily in the modernisation of Greek telecommunications , ’ a government official said , adding that things would improve even more with OTE 's partial privatisation — the government has said it will sell 49% of OTE this year with 35% going to a foreign phone company ; it plans to invest about $1,000m in 1993 which will include 350,000 new digital lines , the transfer of 220,000 existing lines , many new digital centres and digging up 2,800 miles of trenches for cables .
29 Anticipating Microsoft Corp 's launch of MS-DOS 6 next week , Novell Inc yesterday previewed DR DOS 7 , which will include integrated NetWare client support , peer-to-peer networking , a network management agent , network installation , pre-emptive multi-tasking , enhanced memory management and desktop security , and protected mode drivers .
30 The countdown to launch of the Personal Communications Network cellular mobile telephone service in the UK is well under way , and Mercury Communications Ltd 's Mercury One-to-One has released further details of its planned Personal Communications service , which will include cost control features .
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