Example sentences of "[Wh det] we use " in BNC.

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1 In fact , though , McGurk and MacDonald ( 1976 ) have shown the extent to which we use information about the position of a speaker 's lips to help us recognise spoken words .
2 It is not something impelled like a machine by a little egoistic inside ’ ; and again , ‘ deadness , in the limited sense in which we use that word , is the first condition of art .
3 It is for this reason that many of the extracts from the data which we use in the volume are accounts and nearverbatim records of spontaneous conversations in natural situations , for we thought it unreliable to ‘ interview ’ respondents formally ( van Maanen 1982 : 140 argues that most ethnographic data are conversation-based ) .
4 One of the oddest features of human history is the way in which we use randomizing devices — the fall of dice , cards , or millet sticks , the tea-leaves in the bottom of a cup , the cracks in a scapula thrown on the fire — to foretell the future .
5 The criterion which we use to test the genuineness of apparent statements of fact is the criterion of verifiability .
6 The Joker is a very intelligent horse and knows his ‘ covering bridle ’ which we use on him for his studwork , or his ordinary bridle when he is ridden , and behaves accordingly .
7 In this chapter , we develop a method similar to Flowerdew 's in which we use GIS techniques to enable areal interpolation to be informed by the distribution of land-cover types , as inferred from a classified Landsat Thematic Mapper ( TM ) image , in both the source ( 1981 Census wards ) and target ( National Grid kilometre squares ) units .
8 A. There are many obvious ways in which we use energy , or fuel .
9 Since the very basis of the Technique rests upon Alexander 's discovery that it was impossible to separate the physical , emotional and mental states from each other , then it follows that the way in which we use our bodies will , in turn , alter the way in which we think and how we feel emotionally .
10 It is not necessary to purge the political and academic language which we use to think about the inner city , only to be aware of its contingent value .
11 Many of the rhymes and stories which we use with young children include the use of number names .
12 Then , just over two years later , John announced at the AGM ( which we use as an opportunity to set spiritual and practical goals for the year to come ) that he felt the time had come for church number three .
13 ‘ Then there 's a mute , which we use when we change wirelesses and guitars .
14 The way in which we use language reflects the preoccupations of society and of individuals .
15 The natural celluloses which we use include a very large number of timbers , bamboo , cane , flax , hemp , cotton , ramie , sisal , esparto and so on .
16 The things in the ‘ outside world ’ which we use to embody or give a shape to our feelings are our metaphors .
17 He singled out for particular attention the concepts of cause and effect , which we use and take for granted in everyday life , which are central to scientific study , and which were also essential to the theological argument from causality .
18 Further — and this was where Kant moved decidedly beyond Hume and everyone else before him — even the most fundamental categories which we use to supply the framework of our knowledge of the world , those of space and time , must be set in this light .
19 Advocates of this kind of approach take everyday experiences ( like cooking ) and use them to clarify those words which we use to explain mathematics and to vivify the abstractions which are central to the subject .
20 ‘ Our idea of what belongs to the realm of reality is given for us in the concepts which we use . ’
21 Communication of data via computerised and electronic means is a relatively new mode of communications but one which in the space of about thirty years has revolutionised the way in which we use , store and transmit information and data .
22 Seen in historical and anthropological perspective , perhaps the most interesting aspect of the contemporary preoccupation with childrearing is that today we are self-consciously concerned with the possible psychological consequences of the methods which we use in bringing up our children .
23 In linguistics , especially in the English-speaking world between the 1930s and 1960s , there have been several schools of thought which believe that context — this knowledge of the world outside language which we use to interpret it — should be ruled out of language analysis as far as possible .
24 The resulting argument is typical of that current in post-structuralism ( e.g. Sturrock ed. 1979 ) ; that is , we think we create objects in history which we use to communicate/signify/represent/constitute , but actually today there is simply a world of objects in terms of which our notions of self and society are created .
25 The other predicates which we use to describe the game are empty(x) which signifies that the square x is empty ; filled ( x , C ) where x is a square and C is a player ; to-move(C) which is true if it is C's turn to play ; win(C) which is short for the formula
26 To do so would have quite fundamental consequences for the way in which we use language .
27 By changing the contexts in which we use mathematics , we develop a more multicultural perspective and can help pupils to see how powerful mathematics can be as a tool for examining society .
28 . In the case where and , which we use particularly in the next section .
29 Your appraisal will include an overall performance mark , which we use to decide on increases in your pay for the following year .
30 On the way into land we could n't find the mendlsham mast which we use as a land mark to find the airfield .
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