Example sentences of "[Wh det] [be] half " in BNC.

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1 Karrimor is promoting its Adventure Travel range , which includes the excellent Tinamou trousers ( £33 ) , and Rohan has just brought out the tracksuit-style Gobi pants ( £35 ) , which are half the weight of their original Bags .
2 The usual church design had aisles which were half the nave width and there was an intermediate column between each pier .
3 I do n't think he 's a very good people manager , but he admits to that , which is half the battle . ’
4 Although dealing with a much smaller area confined to Insula XIV , an Insula which is half the size of most of the others , nevertheless , as many as 1293 well stratified vessels of coarse ware are published .
5 The geometric no-arbitrage condition contains an extra term ( y ) which is half the difference between the average of the variances of the instantaneous returns on the shares in the index ( ) and the variance of the instantaneous return on the index ( ) , that is , y = ( ) /2 .
6 VHS and Betamax use tape which is half an inch wide , while U-matic uses three-quarter inch tape .
7 Reception under conditions of distraction is taken to its extreme in television , which is half watched in the course of pursuing other activities and in which very often , especially among children , entire programmes are not viewed at all ; instead , fingers rarely leave the remote control device as there is a constant change of channels ( Ellis 1982 , p. 137 ) .
8 One further variation is to operate the motor with alternate one and two-phase-on excitation , i.e. A , AB , B BC , C , CA , A , --- Each excitation change produces an incremental movement which is half the length of a normal step and therefore this excitation is known as the " half-stepping " mode of operation .
9 Ultimately , we managed to produce a film which is half the original and half ours — and , unfortunately , it shows . ’
10 Mike Barr , from the Borrowby Group , said the figure which is half the height of the proposed pylons would be visible miles away .
11 I have the small glass which is half tonic
12 Those are gon na be redirected in here erm as well but it turns out that erm those two types roughly equate to forty out of two thousand which is half a , half a percent ?
13 The new dog which was half collie , half sheepdog , sat sleepily on the step loving the September sunshine .
14 He had not avoided a strike , which was half his inclination , but he had preserved a reasonably favourable position , both for himself and for resistance .
15 Cindy gave a laugh which was half a sob .
16 Following a very rough crossing from Portsmouth during which I slept very little it dawned on me that we were on our own in a Renault van which was half a ton overweight , had a top speed of 60 mph , an up-hill speed of 40 mph provided you had a run at it , jumped out of fourth gear unless you held it in position and we had 1850 miles to go !
17 Her son and daughter-in-law , she confided , drank a powder which was half chicory .
18 A fair city , something dishevelled after uneasy times , and hampered and straitened now -by the loss of the thriving Welsh trade which was half its life , but still capable of living on its own fat for some while yet , and still hard to take and invaluable to hold .
19 Now , er , before I hand over to Frank er , a word about the dividend er , in recent years we 've paid an interim dividend which was half the total of the previous year 's dividends and so , er , had a built-in increase .
20 This was clearly demonstrated in the Alps in what were half humorously called " leptogeosynclines " , that is troughs with very little sediment .
21 Yeah when we 've had a look at fractions a bit erm we 'll play with those and we 'll find out things like what 's half of a quarter things like that .
22 What 's half term ?
23 Right , what 's half an hour ?
24 What 's half of three sixty ?
25 What 's half of twenty ?
26 What 's half a circle called ?
27 That means half , put the note in half , so what 's half of two ?
28 So , what 's half of two ?
29 So what 's half of one ?
30 14 What is half of 44/7 ?
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