Example sentences of "[be] entitled to " in BNC.

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1 He reverts to the point with the analyst : ‘ Supposing I did n't have what a child objectively should be entitled to … ’ .
2 If you 've worked for one employer for two years or more before leaving to have your baby , you may be entitled to maternity pay .
3 And if you 're on income support , you 'll be entitled to 7 pints of milk a week and free vitamins .
4 There will still be a system of rebates for people on low incomes but there will no longer be a minimum contribution — so some people will be entitled to 100 per cent rebates .
5 If a member of your family may be entitled to a rebate , but is unable to manage their affairs you may be able to claim on their behalf and you should contact your council about this .
6 the extension of the care premium for eight weeks after the claimant ceases to be entitled to Invalid Care Allowance .
7 The party 's policy review paper says Muslims and other minority religious Home groups should be entitled to voluntary-aided schools provided they follow the national curriculum .
8 The party 's policy review has said that Muslims and other minority religious groups should be entitled to voluntary-aided schools ( for which nearly all the costs come from public funds ) provided they follow the national curriculum .
9 The second unexpected area of conflict came over the question of who was to be entitled to final cut on the film .
10 That they were n't having to give me a testimonial , which I would be entitled to soon , and were making a profit on my sale . ’
11 You 'll be entitled to a free pack of thirty Christmas cards worth £4.95 .
12 Spain claim to be entitled to a seeding at England 's expense because they finished seventh in the Mexico World Cup finals in 1986 , one place ahead of England .
13 Under the latest settlement , which follows large payments to other syndicates , Mr Outhwaite will be entitled to reimbursement from Murray Lawrence & Partners if the eventual claims level falls below $62million .
14 She will also have her own tax allowance , be entitled to her own standard rate band and have her own capital gains tax exemption .
15 If he fails to do so , the mortgagee will be entitled to an order of foreclosure absolute , the effect of which will be to vest the mortgaged property in him absolutely , but at the same time to prevent him — even if the property should prove insufficient — from claiming payment from the mortgagor , except upon terms of giving him a fresh right to redeem .
16 SIR — With the introduction of independent taxation we thought it best to share our investment income equally so that both of us would be entitled to the full allowances .
17 Sixteen year olds not in full-time education will be entitled to a new traineeship lasting for up to two years , with an option of a further two years .
18 There would be dangers in making the enjoyment of the entitlements of citizenship conditional on the performance of the legal or moral duties of citizenship , especially the ‘ voluntary obligations ’ of service to the community , since these entitlements are , it is suggested , too important to be ‘ bought ’ by community service and forfeit for lack of the required track record of active citizenship ; also , it would be unduly intrusive to place these burdens on citizens who should be entitled to a private life , and many of whom — women with young children or dependent relatives to care for , for example — do not have the time or resources to do service to the wider community .
19 Popular with older men marrying women in their twenties — still young enough to be entitled to a proper send-off .
20 If we genuinely believe everyone to be entitled to education , then we must reject the aristocratic distinction between an education fit only for workers and one fit for philosopher-kings ; but we Must equally reject the new assumption that only those who are receiving a scientific education are being ‘ properly ’ educated ; the rest , those who are studying arts , being relegated to the position of drones or parasites to be , at best , tolerated , and seen as ‘ enriching ’ themselves .
21 If you are prepared to pay the first £50 of all claims * yourself , you will be entitled to a premium discount which is normally one sixth of the new premium .
22 But , if you are prepared to pay the first £50 of any claim yourself , you will be entitled to a discount — normally 50p per £1,000 of insurance .
23 If you are prepared to pay the first £50 of all claims yourself , you will be entitled to a discount on your premium .
24 If we fail to do this you will be entitled to a payment of £5.00 .
25 ( As a result of the age barrier those claiming attendance allowance after the age of 65 will not be entitled to the new lower rate . )
26 If you have not been adequately consulted , and a tribunal is satisfied that consultation could have made a difference to the redundancy decision , there is a good chance that you will succeed in an unfair dismissal claim and be entitled to compensation .
27 On the other hand , if the reality is that you have mutually agreed to the ending of the contract , then you will not be entitled to dismissal rights .
28 You may be entitled to compensation in respect of certain expenses incurred , for instance in seeking new employment .
29 If you are only allowed to use your ‘ company car ’ in connection with your job , you will probably not be entitled to compensation for loss of the right to use it during your notice period if you are not being asked to work .
30 If the company has the right to decide whether or not to award a bonus , you will not be entitled to compensation for its loss , unless the bonus has been declared by the date of your dismissal .
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