Example sentences of "[be] called the " in BNC.

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1 A second type of critic may be called the progressive .
2 A fourth type of critic can be called the compiler , whose criticism is implied in choices for collections or exhibitions .
3 So he conceived the excellent idea of producing a new series designed to catch the emerging poets at their earliest publishable point , to be called the ‘ McGill Poetry Series ’ .
4 The second part of both ballets can be called the climax .
5 But there it encountered another ruined project , a work to be called The Drunks of which only a tiny fragment survives , and the marriage of these two constitutes the success of Crime and Punishment .
6 Nicholas Stavrogin has arrived during the summer months of 1870s , and has established himself as the one ‘ who might really be called the chief character of the novel ’ .
7 The two parties created by the government will be called the Social Democratic Party and the National Republican Convention .
8 Thereby it remained , in Britain 's eyes though not in its own , a part of the Empire , which was beginning about that time to be called the Commonwealth , and its citizens remained British subjects .
9 still blessed with a scent of what used to be called the counter-culture , they are also the most responsive to music generated from outside the mainstream corporate structure .
10 They grew with his reading of Frazer who described the ‘ Burnt Land of Lydia ’ contrasting with the surrounding verdure and marvelled ( in the conclusion of The Dying God ) at ‘ what may be called the Australian spring ’ where ‘ the sandy and stony wilderness , over which the silence and desolation of death appear to brood , is suddenly , after a few days of torrential rain , transformed into a landscape smiling with verdure ’ .
11 I have in mind two especially : the first involves what might be called the impossibility of desire , the second the notion of desire and/or identity as involving an ineluctable splitting .
12 These accounts derive from diverse current perspectives which should not be conflated — psychoanalysis , philosophy , and what might be called the metaphysical vision of the cultural critic and creative writer .
13 BOEING , the world 's biggest aircraft maker , last night gave the go-ahead for a $4billion development of a new wide-bodied 350-seater jet , to be called the 777 .
14 The placing of Uruguay and Colombia in the third pool has satisfied the South Americans , and what used to be called the Iron Curtain countries can not complain .
15 ‘ Have you ever taken part in a fire drill , ’ I ask a ticket collector at a station on the Jubilee Line ( which was supposed to be called the Fleet Line until the GLC 's Horace Cutler decided to change it in deference to the Queen at a cost of £50,000 ) .
16 Why then , it will be asked , do ‘ visible extension and figures come to be called the same name with tangible extension and figures , if they are not of the same kind with them ’ ?
17 He is the head of a great Government office — what may be called the secretarial office ; he is ‘ the King 's Secretary of State for all departments ’ ; whatever writing has to be done in the King 's name is done by the Chancellor or through him and his officers .
18 The two sides may be called the Goths and the Greeks , and while the Goths won the war , the Greeks took quite a few battle honours .
19 This may be called the ‘ monumental or Renaissance ’ , a style which made an enormous impact on ‘ townscapes ’ throughout Europe , especially in the years before and after the Great War .
20 The two most important catchphrases , certainly by the 1890s , were the ‘ law of evolution ’ and what may be called the spirit of organization .
21 It would have been nice to go into partnership with my son Paul , but he deals in what used to be called the avant-garde , the most difficult stuff to sell , and wants to be in New York .
22 It used to be called the ‘ self-build movement ’ , and the wearing of beards and open-toed sandals was close to compulsory .
23 Chancellor Kohl has promised the EC currency will not be called the ‘ Ecu ’ .
24 Blessed are the peacemakers : for they shall be called the children of God .
25 He shall be great , and shall be called the Son of the Highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David .
26 The ‘ Auld Alliance ’ and the French Connection should more properly be called the Scots Connection .
27 The greatest problem facing schools , now as always , is how to ensure the best possible service to present pupils ( this may be called the steady-state operation ) , while at the same time , developing the creativity which alone will allow us to continue to adapt to change in the future .
28 There was sufficient steam in the argument for the following correspondence to appear in the Standard five days later : ‘ We would suggest that the proposed new golf club should be named after the recent mutiny at Portsmouth and be called the ‘ Bow Knee Golf Club ’ .
29 In the November 1952 Minutes , Mr. Wetton is thanked for the gift of a Cup to be called the Wetton trophy .
30 I will call it the principle of comprehensive ( political ) neutrality to distinguish it from the second principle which will be called the principle of narrow ( political ) neutrality .
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