Example sentences of "[be] doing some " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well I 'm really looking forward to opening for Gary Moore at London 's Albert Hall next month , and I 'll be doing some club dates in the UK just before that .
2 This month we 'll be doing some technical exercises which will train the hands to cope with diverse situations with ease and without straining .
3 He knows that he 'll be doing some writing and he 's going to be doing an album next year .
4 Sometimes I 'd sooner be doing some other job .
5 You know you , you , you need to be doing some of that .
6 On Dec 10 we shall be doing some quick figure drawings .
7 We might be investigating it with an experiment or we might be doing some calculations on it .
8 It was difficult to tell , but since Fleet Street had more or less stopped producing newspapers , this area was now the journalism centre of town , which meant the pubs would be doing some sort of trade .
9 You know like you might be doing some technical training , they say what 's er anyone know what motor insurance is ?
10 Chairman , can I just venture to s to suggest that the Policy Panel will be the next move surely , Dave , yourself and the chief officers will be doing some formal presentation there and that clearly we need to take the strength from the vote in the Co in this Committee , to support what you 've , what you 've just said .
11 ‘ I cycle around quite often and I expect I 'll be doing some cycling in the North Yorkshire Moors during the next two months , ’ said Karen who is a member of the Tandem Club and has been a member of various Cyclist Touring Clubs .
12 These people have met new friends , gained in confidence and , most of all , self respect and would rather be doing some form of work rather than wasting away at home .
13 See you 're doing them all green like you should n't be , you should be doing some brown
14 It looks as though we 're gon na be doing some extra survey work .
15 Now providing I 've got all that I can be doing some while you you 've gone .
16 I mean , if somebody ca n't actually go back to the person they 've harmed in a in a one to one situation , there 's no reason why they should n't be doing some other form of community service .
17 to be doing some exercises
18 It 's quarter past ten , at half past ten there 's coffee , so you 've got a lifeline to cling on to , and then at half past , after coffee we shall be doing some other things with , with our friends who have joined and who are real local radio people .
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