Example sentences of "[that] it hardly " in BNC.

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1 The other officers drifted away , and Charles following into the office was relieved to see that it hardly differed from those he had known .
2 The pattern is so simple that it hardly seems worth studying .
3 The main problem with Cape Verde is that it hardly ever rains .
4 The tail wriggles and writhes in its mouth , or in its claws , and its liveliness preoccupies the would-be killer to such an extent that it hardly notices the rapidly escaping form of the rest of the lizard .
5 Coltart and Everett have been learning the hard way that it hardly matters if you can sometimes drive the ball 50 yards father than anyone else if the statistics show that some of your opponents single-putt an average of 24 greens per tournament .
6 THE Government 's Homeswap Scheme is designed to help council and Housing Association tenants exchange properties but so few people seem aware of it that it hardly works .
7 Ludo 's brief romance with an English girl was so run-of-the-mill that it hardly warranted mention at dinner parties , let alone gossip .
8 Till lately , respectable intellectual opinion has held that it hardly mattered at all .
9 The TV appearance was so brief that it hardly warranted comment .
10 This usage is now so prevalent that it hardly conveys anything more than the best that could be imagined .
11 This signal is so established and conventional that it hardly has to be noticed .
12 During the first few tens of Ma Jupiter would cool so quickly that it hardly matters what the initial temperatures were provided that they were at least a few times 10 000 K. After a few hundred Ma , the exact time depending on the initial temperatures but in any case a small fraction of Jupiter 's lifetime , the rate of cooling would be far less .
13 There is so much evidence Of this that it hardly needs restatement here , nor does its corollary that the present tropical belt is atypically narrow .
14 The audience probably did n't notice anything wrong ; their reactions were so minimal , anyway , that it hardly mattered .
15 ‘ There are always so many firings in radio that it hardly seems a big deal any more . ’
16 He put the candle-holder down on it , then turned towards her , and before she could stop him he gave her a kiss so gentle that it hardly registered , and she stared at him , wide-eyed , put her hand to where he had saluted her , and said huskily , ‘ No , ’ although what she meant by that neither he nor she knew .
17 The glass is so smeared that it hardly counts as a reflective surface .
18 He wondered if she were telling the truth and decided that it hardly mattered .
19 His arms were wrapped around him , his body 's breath so cold that it hardly frosted .
20 So much had happened that it hardly seemed so important any more .
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