Example sentences of "[that] can happen " in BNC.

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1 Criminally negligent directors in the UK are not sent to prison as in other countries — the worst that can happen is a fine — and even that can be insured against and paid by the company .
2 Q. Surely there are all sorts of problems that can happen ?
3 This is only one of the things that can happen to the electrons , but it is the one which is of interest in the production of TL .
4 It 's about ordinary people in an ordinary world and the most special thing that can happen to anybody is to fall in love , and the worst is to fall out of love .
5 Ask yourself ‘ what is the worst that can happen ? ’ in any given situation .
6 The vital role of the parents is to do all they can to ensure that the loss or diminution of love and friendship , will be the worst thing that can happen to their children if they transgress the legal and moral codes that control the society in which they will be living .
7 What is the worst that can happen if you do not achieve it ?
8 Although hypothermia can happen accidentally , it is essentially an insidious condition that can happen over several hours , the victim becoming sleepier and sleepier in this time and not realising that he or she is freezing to death .
9 However , it has occurred to us that to mention some of the unglamorous little things that can happen to you if you do n't might be highly effective in getting you to eat up your dietary fibre .
10 But it is not the worst thing that can happen .
11 I shall sit here and wait and sweat it out and look the facts in the face , trying to anticipate the worst that can happen .
12 The paradoxes put forward Tolkien 's theses that determination should survive the worst that can happen , that a stout pretence is more valuable than sincere despair .
13 It 's sometimes worth asking that nagging little voice what is really the worst thing that can happen now ?
14 Remind yourself that blushing is not the worst thing that can happen to you .
15 That is the worst thing that can happen to a human being .
16 Squigs are unpredictable and in many way the best thing that can happen is for them to go wild once they are near the enemy .
17 That way the worst that can happen is you will miss a turn .
18 And she knows that the secret of laughter is shared experience — laughing together at disasters and embarrassments that can happen to us all .
19 What 's the worst that can happen ?
20 The worst that can happen is that its domain of applicability becomes circumscribed .
21 But there is something more profound that can happen .
22 Erm and this is the reason why I brought this tape recorder , and I was saying to Bernard a moment ago , one of the most embarrassing things that can happen erm when talking to a group like this is when you pressed a button er whether it 's a , a tape recorder a video machine or whatever , you pressed a button full of confidence in all the latest technology and there 's an embarrassing silence .
23 You know the kind of erm the kind of accident that can happen .
24 Very little mess occurs , about the worst that can happen is that the jet gets clogged causing the ink drops to get oversized or the reservoir is removed without being capped .
25 The transfer may become null and void , as here , or the certificate may not be renewed , as in Miller , but nothing that can happen to the transfer or transferee will ever revive the right of a man who , ex hypothesi , has removed or yielded up possession of the premises to which the certificate relates . "
26 So in the two things that can happen in conversation to give it To make it stop running smoothly are overlapping and interruption and like some of them are quite difficult to tell apart but usually it 's If you 're transcribing stuff it 's fairly obvious .
27 Now when you get to a T R P what are the three things that can happen ?
28 I know the falls that can happen to young girls ; it 's an amazing thing , when you think how supple their bodies are , how round and well-padded — yes , my little signorina Rosalba , what terrible falls can happen ! ’
29 Then , when everything fell apart so quickly , that scared me even more , because failing at something like that is just about the most frightening thing that can happen to you . ’
30 ‘ The worst that can happen … ’ she took a deep breath , hoping that this was the right thing to say ‘ … is that the baby has to be delivered over the next few days . ’
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