Example sentences of "[that] you say " in BNC.

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1 The trick here is to know what you want to say and make sure that you say it .
2 He might well have settled to be a good chief for the clan that you say you 're so concerned for , Eachuinn Maclean .
3 Others were signed with names of characters , either characters from films or works of fiction , or the kind of people that you meet in our kind of life in our kind of city , and they 're so large , or so strong , or so infamous , that you say of them , she 's a real character .
4 One avenue for a claim is that you paid too much for the house , but remember that you say it is common knowledge that these houses suffer this fault .
5 However , one thing that is almost guaranteed is that if the things that you do do n't match up to the things that you say , your friends will soon point that out to you !
6 The things that you say would be the things that he would say .
7 Another idea , suggested by Nic Picot , is that you say that you are going to predict under which of five cups the audience is going to leave a coin .
8 The musical instruments that you say are machines are by Oxford Dictionary definition , indeed machines .
9 I can see you are as addicted to knitting as the rest of us , by the fact that you say Murphy 's Law operates every day !
10 The fact that you say his powder is " new " will most likely interest no one .
11 COUNSEL : Now if you will refer to page 61 of your excellent report , you will see that you say that considerable forces were deployed .
12 So if I short er short circuit the rest of my cross examination on these various policies that you say er we 're in erm we 're in some measure of conflict with , your answer would be in in relation to E N V Eleven and E N V Twelve which you also cite , do I put it fairly your answer would be this ?
13 BELVILLE : What is it that you say ?
14 There 's no shortage of ingredients for the blend of feature articles and news that you say you enjoy ; the list of talented and distinguished alumni who are willing to write for the magazine is impressive and the University itself is a rich source of news .
15 Then erm names , babies I if a baby 's christened Timothy er it gets called Timmy or Nicholas gets called Nicky , which sort of ties in with the biscuits being called bickie and horsie and doggie and all this sort of ee things that you say to babies .
16 reverse roles , so that you say the stimulus , and the language helper the response .
17 Also the ‘ I 'll be back ’ WAV file that you say you assigned to Windows events and the internal speaker driver , are not supplied with Windows 3.1 .
18 ‘ I know that you say you can not .
19 The first is spoken by Wilekin , the remaining two by Dame Sirith : ( " Lady , as I hope to live until nones , I also am ready and well prepared to do all that you say .
20 Now twenty two is So they do n't say twenty and two it 's only on the ones like twenty one thirty one forty one that you say twenty and one thirty and one .
21 I 'm glad there 's somebody 's come up with that one because that 's the only time that you say something a little bit different from the number itself .
22 Can I thank you for those generous comments that you say towards er , , I think they 're totally true , he 's worked extremely hard in making sure this council has a budget which balanced , and it 's due to his expertise and bullying tactics that we 've succeeded , and he should be fully congratulated for that , and I think it 's the determination of those who were elected in May as well , to make sure that we protected services and jobs , and , and make sure that we actually carried out the mandate which the electors elected us to do that we have such ach achieved what we have achieved today .
23 Erm as far as mannerisms are concerned , the only one I picked up was that you say okay quite often .
24 apart from being positive in putting your point across and erm being clear in things that you say things that you do being strong about it
25 that you say remaining def what remaining defences ?
26 And and the other question is that you say , er , building societies are n't actually er , insisting on endowments now , I mean , what
27 do it the best way to do it if you 're trying to say , let's integrate cos X. cos cos X. Trying to integrate that you say
28 that you say sometimes
29 the thing , the thing that erm worries me is in case I go over is , that you say
30 it 's just recording exactly , everything that you say now
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