Example sentences of "[that] it probably " in BNC.

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1 IF IT worries you that the national survey on sexual habits is not going to take place , you could take comfort from the thought that it probably wo n't make a vast amount of difference in the long run .
2 It is very understandable for the person not to want to be aware that it probably will not fulfil its purpose .
3 On structural grounds alone , a new building was needed as it was now so weak that it probably would not be able to withstand building operations being carried out on the surrounding land .
4 It must be stressed that this is only a possibility ( and that the explanation has been very much simplified ) , but more and more researches are showing that it probably approximates to the truth .
5 It might be added as an aside that it probably takes much more cultural energy to teach bellicosity and to produce warriors ( with spears as arms ) , than to teach co-operation and to produce shamans ( with ‘ thoughts ’ as arms ) .
6 I give my usual answer : that it probably all happens as the bird is ‘ flying ’ at top speed underwater , and that the pressure of the water holds the fish already caught against the bird 's sharp mandibles while it snaps up another in a fraction of a second .
7 This will be a full 64-bit implementation , superscalar so that it probably issues two to three instructions per cycle .
8 By what route this strategy will proceed is unclear — technology swapping , OEM or other — however , the company admits that it probably would have been a good idea had Tandem Computers Inc and Pyramid had meshed their respective hardware and Unix software experience in that area two years ago .
9 Therefore , if you are confronted with a rug decorated in an intricate and curvilinear floral-inspired scheme , it is reasonable to assume that it probably originates from a workshop group in one of the limited number of countries which specialize in these designs .
10 Whatever we may think of Oliphant 's views , we have to assume there would be little point in attacks on [ h ] -dropping by the educated elite unless it was highly salient and widespread , and it is reasonable to assume for these reasons that it probably has quite a long history in the language .
11 The frog relies on its fly detectors so much that it probably can not see a motionless insect , and will starve rather than eat one .
12 She could see for herself that it probably was , but she was starting to feel a little useless here .
13 Apple , following its success in the desktop publishing market , was out to capture a new niche before anyone became aware that it probably was n't really a niche at all but a fairly well established business .
14 However , it seems plausible that this source of energy has been of little importance in the past because Jupiter is so very massive that it probably formed very hot , though Jupiter may now be sufficiently cool for helium separation to have recently become significant , or for it to become significant in the relatively near future .
15 Cairns-Smith 's view of the DNA/protein machinery is that it probably came into existence relatively recently , perhaps as recently as three billion years ago .
16 I am cynical enough to suspect that it probably happens , and it vividly illustrates the point about equipment improving while its net effectiveness stands still ( and its costs increase ) .
17 The problem is that it probably all lies in the past — thirty , forty years back , if it 's Walter Machin that 's at the heart of it , as I begin to think it could be .
18 However , when I think of him at the Departments of the Environment and of Education and Science , I realise that it probably was his finest hour .
19 Rex considered that it probably was n't anything good .
20 Inwardly Cornelius agreed that it probably was .
21 The director of the zoo , David Jones , believes that " it would be dangerous to conjecture that it is BSE at this stage , but the indications are that it probably is . "
22 What I wanted to say was that when I read the Annual Report I was rather surprised to find that there is no reference to the er report of the committee under the chairmanship of Bob , Bob on the organization of the R Y A and then I realized that it probably did n't come to the Council till after the end of the year that we have under consideration but it did seem to me that it has some contentious and some very interesting and rather good points in it and I wonder if we could be told how the consideration of it is getting on .
23 But let me make it very clear that it probably was not the best place , a Pathfinder station , for anyone to get near to absorbing the incredible state of affairs .
24 I think it 's a point that was also raised by Mr in our discussions on Friday , where he said of course , with the advent of the better orbital road around York he f he he felt that it probably was not such a material factor .
25 He says that it probably pre-dates the church by 1,000 years .
26 No , well I mean , it were n't as though I had n't put a payment in it were just that it probably was this taking Tracey 's book and I marked it onto Tracey 's , er , Tracey 's book .
27 Second year parents ' evening on Wednesday , seven to nine o'clock , er second years you know that it probably makes sense to be there erm with your parents er this Wednesday the no not this Wednesday , Wednesday week the twenty third , which is next Wednesday , there 's no leisure centre for first year students , er and in fact there are no Wednesday afternoon activities at all next Wednesday .
28 I mean I 've been in more pubs than I 'd say longer than most people who drink a lot and er you know it 's just be I think music and and song is the big addiction in Ireland not the drink but because er it it the chances of a music session starting in a pub is just you know the chances are that it probably will at some stage of the day .
29 If you 're live , you 've got to dig yourself out of it if you make a real mistake , but if it 's — if it 's on a portable machine , if it 's editable , be sure that it probably will be edited .
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