Example sentences of "[that] [vb mod] help " in BNC.

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1 This booklet has been prepared to give general information about adapting your homes and about other options that may help you establish and maintain independence .
2 Let me pick out three aspects that may help to guide us .
3 One point that may help you is that the lower the potency the more frequently it is likely to need repeating .
4 The shape of a sand pit is usually decided by the space and materials available , but if planning a new one , here are some ideas that may help to make it even more exciting .
5 Other shampoos contain sulphur and salicylic acid that may help .
6 Here are some questions that may help you further define the values of your department and/or organisation :
7 An informal collaborative project between BGS and the Observatório Nacional ( part of the Brazilian Research Council , CNPq ) is examining new geophysical methods that may help in the exploration of the vast basalt-covered basins in the interior of Brazil .
8 ‘ You mean that you do know something that may help them ? ’
9 But it is not only education but all the social services that may help to improve the quality of labour in varying ways and degrees .
10 There are certainly general characteristics of the parties ' approach to social policies that may help people to decide between them ; and at particular elections ( such as , for example , the general election of 1945 ) one 's social policy commitments may be particularly clear .
11 When Northern crops crash up against a new pest or a new processing requirement , breeders hightail it back to the gene pool in search of the genetic variability that may help them .
12 Closer examination of these studies shows a number of features that may help in the clinical management of these patients .
13 It at last gives Renault a diesel flagship worthy of the name , a car that should help Phil Horton and his team , in his words , ‘ position ourselves as a major player in the U.K. diesel league with the aim of taking more fleet sales from our competitors . ’
14 This month , we 'll be looking at some examples that should help you to develop your fluency in playing these two interval types from a scalic standpoint .
15 It has released guidelines on what it calls ‘ sales aid leasing ’ that should help stop future contract abuses and is assisting the Campaign with individual cases of misrepresentation .
16 It is a £4bn to £5bn injection that should help .
17 ( 27 ) I have given him something [ = some kind of drug ] that should help him come round .
18 But John Morgan says : ‘ Dumenil may have put forward some thoughts that might help unit holders , but it needs a lot of thought before it turns into a proposal .
19 But John Morgan says : ‘ Dumenil may have put forward some thoughts that might help unit holders , but it needs a lot of thought before it turns into a proposal .
20 One of the ways she visualized life was as a swirling , unpredictable tide of confusion which swept you along helpless , bumping against rocks , trying to snatch at branches , bits of wreckage , anything that might help to keep you afloat for , if you did n't watch out , the waters would suck you down and close over your head .
21 Here is some extra information that might help you plan a balanced eating regime .
22 It is appropriate to add a few words at this point that might help avert the possibility of becoming involved in any extensive debate about whether associative changes of the sort described here should really be thought of as instances of perceptual learning , producing changes in the perceived similarity of the stimuli .
23 When I say it 's the sort of answer you want I mean it 's the sort that might help you !
24 So far as I knew there was no Indian name for Moose Jaw , but I had a brain-wave that might help .
25 Aware of this complexity , I have recently been trying to develop a non-traditional approach to describing publicly available business information resources that might help non-specialists appreciate how they come to be .
26 But there 's nothing unusual about the appearance of either man that might help us ? ’
27 Clearly , ideas for changing the events that trigger your guilt feelings will depend on the exact circumstances , but here are some thought-starters that might help you to arrive at a feasible plan :
28 Clearly , ideas for changing the events that trigger your feelings of inadequacy will depend on the exact circumstances , but here are some thought-starters that might help you to arrive at a feasible plan :
29 Clearly , ideas for changing the events that trigger your feelings of inhibition will depend on the exact circumstances , but here are some thought-starters that might help you to arrive at a feasible plan :
30 Clearly , ideas for changing the events that trigger your jealousy will depend on the exact circumstances , but here are some thought-starters that might help you to arrive at a feasible plan :
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