Example sentences of "[that] [prep] times " in BNC.

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1 It seems that in times past marmosets were bigger but , perhaps in adaptation to an almost bird-like life in the high branches of South America forests , they have shown an evolutionary trend of decreasing size .
2 Tradition has it that in times past people brought their sick and weary to the shores of the loch , certain of its curative properties .
3 There is no doubt that in times of trouble Baldersdale was a very united place — but there were , nevertheless , some curious divisions .
4 It is also said that in times when Russia has need of strength in battle , these horses will awake their masters and carry them to where they are needed .
5 It became evident that young people were a particularly vulnerable group and that in times of economic hardship , firms cut back on training places .
6 The recession , not only affecting the UK of course , has hit hardware sales generally , but it has n't had a significant impact on the Unix market , because , IDC believes , that in times of a depressed economy and slow investments , information technology purchases tend to move to less expensive , low-end systems , which ‘ might mean Unix systems . ’
7 He points out that in times of national emergency the public turns automatically to the BBC .
8 He saw the opportunity to play the peace card and the moderate rearmament card at the same time , fortified by the prospect that in times of trouble the public would prefer to vote for an established Government rather than a peculiarly unknown opposition .
9 Moreover , the effects of industrial action on members ' attendance exacerbated the situation , and it is arguable that in times of adversity such bodies need stronger leadership and clearer terms of reference than this panel ever enjoyed .
10 This passage of Diodorus rightly emphasizes that in times of peace there were benefits in having a rich neighbour like Carthage .
11 Finally , the attitudes of some women illustrated the ‘ queuing principle ’ ( Martin and Wallace , 1984 ) , namely , that in times of high unemployment , certain social groups are felt to have greater claims to paid employment .
12 We would suggest that in times of economic crisis and recession several of these conditions are indeed likely to predominate and that in fact they did during the 1980s in the UK .
13 While rejecting the mechanistic connection of Quinney and Jankovic , one can argue that in times of economic crisis , typified by rising levels of unemployment , imprisonment does serve an important social control function as a constant reminder to those not in work of the consequences of stepping out of line .
14 Against this has to be set the fact that in times of high inflation the real value of company debt diminishes over time .
15 Ian Scott , co-ordinator of its rural adult education project , said that at times the enthusiasm of the groups being taught had to be dampened : ‘ At the opening class of a course being run in Co Durham , the students frightened the tutor by demanding that there should be a march on County Hall .
16 As it is occasionally covered by the sea this sand is not compact so that at times we could walk fairly comfortably , but at other times we sank in unexpectedly , which broke up our rhythm and made us tired and frustrated .
17 Worse still , she had married into a life so public that at times she felt there was no place on earth where she could escape from the prying eyes .
18 He admits that at times incidents were not handled perfectly .
19 It has embroiled Dr Sandage in such controversy that at times he has almost completely withdrawn from the world .
20 What we mean by this , is that at times of great stress we can all be overwhelmed by the experience and find ourselves ‘ at sea ’ , not knowing what to do .
21 Comparative evidence from better-documented periods indicates that at times of monetary reform transitional arrangements were made to enable people to exchange their old coins for the new ones .
22 In this far corner of the Third World , we have known darkness and despair that at times seems almost too much to bear …
23 Kathryn , who is married with an 18-month-old daughter , said she was just curious to know whether these experiences could be connected with reincarnation and says that at times : ‘ I feel restless , a sort of sad yearning for what could have been a past life . ’
24 If it were possible for Jessie to go and live in Durham , it was also possible that at times she could meet Robbie Felton , and then perhaps they could get married and go off somewhere .
25 It is not surprising , therefore , that at times newspapers publish news which is wrong .
26 A spectacular way : all through breakfast , the track ran along the north shore of Lake Superior , so close that at times the train seemed to be overhanging the water .
27 ‘ Well , I wo n't deny that at times it 's been a murderously pressurised position to be in , ’ Guy admits , ‘ and it 's been very difficult for the other group members .
28 And I know what I am , but what I am so closely resembles somebody else that at times it even scares me !
29 My one gripe is that at times the control system is not as good as expected .
30 For all their possession , Midlands simply could not find a way through a defence that at times shuddered bones — often those of England 's Dean Richards , leading as usual from the front , but this time in vain .
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