Example sentences of "[not/n't] properly [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Although the most commonly used traffic-calming measures , road humps , are governed by statute and are subject to clear regulations , other techniques such as chicanes , road narowing , different road surfaces , shared road surfaces , rumble strips and gateways are not properly covered by legislation .
2 It seems clear that the value of the whole state of consciousness is not properly regarded as the sum of the value of its parts .
3 More generally , although civil contempt is not properly regarded as a criminal offence .
4 Thus we have a situation where data is not transformed into information , ie what staff need is information that addresses a specific need or objective of their job , and what typically they receive is a mass of data not properly tailored to their needs and so difficult to penetrate that it falls into disuse .
5 Does the Minister agree that it is rather pointless to train individuals in any field if , when they are qualified , their qualifications are not properly recognised ?
6 They were not properly cared for , and by May this year there was widespread malnutrition in the camps — despite the fact that the UNHCR provided for an assumed 600,000 refugees , almost double the true number .
7 HOSPITAL officials have pledged to investigate allegations that a 90-year-old patient was not properly cared for while she waited for an operation .
8 We 've got to have more than a hundred lights on the tree otherwise it 's not properly lit .
9 Because heat rises , if your home is not properly insulated you may be paying to warm the air above it .
10 Limbs were often not properly joined with bodies and the long necks and rigidity of attitudes recall the shapes of the clay idols of the period .
11 Adam & Co managing director James Laurenson disputes that KPMG 's recommendations were not properly implemented and says that the letter to shareholders was simply ‘ their first line of defence in case of litigation ’ .
12 I think that I am not alone in saying that I have not properly done my job of examining in detail some of the legislation which has come before us .
13 Flight engineer Harry Simister followed wireless operator , bomb aimer and navigator through the hatch , feeling a terrific pull on his legs as he fell through space , and realised his harness was not properly adjusted .
14 ‘ Not maintained ’ usually includes worn , seized or rusted parts etc. and ‘ not properly adjusted ’ includes stretched cables or inoperative self-adjusting ratchets on drum brakes etc .
15 If it 's not properly adjusted . ’
16 Although Hoover 's transfer of pension funds was legal , some of the company 's 19,000 pensioners voiced concern on BBC TV 's ‘ Watchdog ’ programme that ex-workers were not properly consulted .
17 He said Durham and Darlington councils had not properly consulted the bus companies about speed restrictions and had failed to consider all the alternatives .
18 United Buses and Darlington Transport Company both complained that they were not properly consulted before decisions were taken and said the proposed speed humps would make bus travel uncomfortable and could damage the vehicles .
19 Horse races on the sands of Leith have been recorded as early as 1504 but were not properly organized until 1665 , when the town council took charge .
20 If this intercommunication is not properly arranged there will be the familiar symptoms of frustrating reiteration , decisions being misunderstood or being constantly revised , political manoeuvring and even concealment of progress within one or more of the teams .
21 ‘ Do you think that Tamesin was not properly saddled ? ’
22 agreed : ‘ Problems arise when roles are not properly defined , when people are ‘ shifting the goalposts ’ and objectives are not clear . ’
23 Keyword DEVICE not properly defined in Configuration File
24 Keyword DIRECTORY not properly defined in Configuration File
25 Keyword UIC not properly defined in configuration file
26 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file
27 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file .
28 Keyword not properly defined in configuration file .
29 The trouble is that anti-social drivers making the smoke because their engines are not properly maintained give diesel a bad name .
30 However , the company was not prosecuted for the fact that four people died , but because the machinery was not properly maintained ; they were fined £5,000 .
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