Example sentences of "[not/n't] vote for " in BNC.

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1 Outside Parliament in the early 1980s , she was a prominent member of the hard Left , and at a Tribune rally in Brighton rounded on fellow Left-wingers , including Neil Kinnock , who had not voted for Tony Benn in the deputy leadership contest against Denis Healey .
2 One of the president 's earliest and most loyal supporters on the Hill says , privately , that those among his constituents who , until 1992 , had not voted for a Democratic presidential candidate for 16 years think they have been tricked .
3 She promised that there would be " no more political prisoners , no more exiles , no more land confiscations " and also to respect the will of the 40 per cent who had not voted for her .
4 People asked exoneration from a mistake made by a group to which they belonged-the nation-not in individual innocence but in membership of a different and more immediate community that had acted well , a state that had not voted for a dishonest president .
5 He effectively cast his own vote against the Islamic trend by calling on his subjects not to vote for extremist religious ideologies — a move which could prove counter-productive .
6 His anxiety for equal terms in the nuclear club was echoed a few months later by , of all people , Aneurin Bevan , who urged his fellow left-wingers at the Labour Party conference not to vote for Britain to give up nuclear arms with the famous plea : ‘ Do not send the British Foreign Minister naked into the international conference chamber ! ’
7 It is the happiest of coincidences for them that on this day when the mind of thinking adults in this country is concentrated on whom not to vote for , the Masters opens at Augusta .
8 Even more interestingly , I understand that even some of Mrs Thatcher 's friends share this opinion and are proposing — some of them for the first time in their lives — not to vote for the Tories .
9 In the United States government support for organised labour came at a later date than in Europe ( only in the mid-1930s ) , and even then it still remained open to employers to try to persuade their own workers ( short of using overt coercion ) not to vote for union bargaining rights ( i.e. they still maintained ‘ an ethical mandate to continue with their belligerent behaviour towards unions ’ ( Adams , 1981 , p. 287 ) ) .
10 I decided not to vote for the first time in 37 years because of the EC .
11 Indeed , this union had a campaign of sending postcards out to MPs asking them not to vote for the abolition of Wage Councils .
12 Elderly people are being given food and water to persuade them not to vote for SWAPO and people are being shown videos of the Ethiopian famine and told that that is what is in store for them , according to Andimba Toivo ja Toivo , SWAPO 's Secretary General .
13 At least have the honesty to admit it and not to vote for an a management initiative that says we 're gon na become an enabling authority and then it subsequently to deny every single measure that will allow that to happen .
14 Catholics , however , did not vote for the Unionist Party .
15 Other senators , responding to Mr Poher 's insistence that his age was irrelevant , said in that case , why not vote for Senator Geoffroy de Montalembert , who is only 91 and was first elected in 1945 .
16 His election campaigns were notorious for their cruelty — he often made sure that those who did not vote for him would never vote again — but the depth of his involvement has never been clear .
17 The small Democratic Party , Solidarity 's coalition , has already said it will not vote for the indexation plan .
18 Put simply , Northern Ireland is now the only place on the globe where people can not vote for or join the Labour Party .
19 But they are banned from party membership and can not vote for the party at election time .
20 Those candidates stood to draw attention to the fact that Northern Ireland residents can not vote for or join a party which will govern them when it comes to power .
21 The SDLP 's public support for the Tories in the 1987 General Election caused its former leader , Gerry Fitt to comment : ‘ I would not vote for the SDLP because it is not a socialist party …
22 Belfast loyalists did not vote for Seawright because he wanted to burn Catholics but because he lived in a council flat , spoke up for those loyalists who tried to kill IRA men , and was not prepared to abandon working-class Protestants in order to appear respectable .
23 I said to myself I will not vote for the Conservative party again .
24 At the recent IWC annual meeting , Iceland and Brazil , both previously die-hard whaling nations , abstained from voting for a total ban on whaling , but did not vote for a continuance .
25 There will always be a percentage of people who do not vote for various reasons .
26 TURKEYS do not vote for Christmas .
27 ‘ In other words , we would not vote for the ball being thrown in any direction , for instance to someone running onto it from deep .
28 David Boren , the Oklahoma Democrat who holds the swing vote on the committee , has already made it clear that he will not vote for the current package , dubbing it ‘ Stimulus 2 ’ , a reference to Mr Clinton 's ill-fated emergency spending package .
29 John Breaux , a Louisiana senator who also sits on the Finance Committee , is too close to the president and the treasury secretary , Lloyd Bentsen , to be as outspoken as Mr Boren , but he will not vote for the BTU tax as it stands , and prefers a straightforward petrol tax .
30 Revolutions are only contemplated by cadres with intense preferences : most workers in liberal democracies will not vote for a revolution .
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