Example sentences of "[not/n't] paying for " in BNC.

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1 In one incident alone near Smolensk , seventy-four persons were arrested for not paying for their journey .
2 Fair value , which drops to 22 on Monday , is the notional premium for buying all Footsie stocks now but not paying for three months , taking into account both dividend payments and interest costs .
3 However , the fact that the futures contract for June settlement continued to trade at a 26-point premium to ‘ fair value ’ ( 23 points — the notional premium for buying all Footsie stocks now , but not paying for two and a half months ) indicates that most pundits see the market making further headway after Easter .
4 I tell you , I 'm not giving you a penny more for clothes , I 'm not paying for any driving lessons when you 're seventeen , I 'm not shelling out for another disco , I 'm not giving you another lift to a party that everyone else in your year 's going to and you 'd be a freak if you missed it .
5 What we decided to do , because I thought that 's what you 'd been pressing for , was to show that as the equivalent affect of , okay , you think you 're making these profits but you 're actually enjoying services that you 're not paying for .
6 ‘ And I 'm not paying for them if they 're not what I want .
7 Russia took 75 per cent ; Moldova and Ukraine would finance in full the troops on their territories and participate in financing joint forces through absolute contributions ; Tajikistan , Kirgizstan and Turkmenistan were not paying for the upkeep of troops on their territory .
8 Understandably , despite such possible complexity , the purchaser will not be interested in the legal semantics of how the contracts are to be transferred but will be interested in two main practical concerns : firstly , in receiving the benefit of the contracts in return for performing the burden and secondly , in not paying for a contract if the purchaser can not benefit from it .
9 It 's true that more people are hanging on to their cars and strangel ; y not paying for their servicing .
10 He claimed the firm had had previous difficulties in getting paid by the council , with one school not paying for five months .
11 Well you 'd think they could because you are not paying for the service are you ?
12 You 're not paying for mine are you ?
13 and there was about that much bacon on the bacon slice , the rest were fat , I says I 'm not paying for that .
14 Which I 'm not paying for any more !
15 You have n't got any choice where we 're going , you 're not paying for it .
16 you 're not paying for that are you ?
17 You see there , there was a er not paying for it , asking about it , the finance committee how very cold it was for the elderly and they sit in there while some get taken home and
18 I was n't paying for it , after all .
19 It was just one more item of junk mail , and he was n't paying for it .
20 He said you 've got no rights at all , I said so what rights has he got to coming in my own home then , he ai n't paying for it , what rights has he got to it ?
21 He said well he 's got rights because he owns half of it , I said owns half of it but he ai n't paying for half of it .
22 But I mean , was n't paying for it , they were paying for it
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