Example sentences of "[not/n't] bring [pron] " in BNC.

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31 But drafting for a fellow-barrister , though desirable for experience , does not bring one into contact with the instructing solicitor , and so does not nurture one 's own practice .
32 ‘ Why not bring her to next week 's fashion show and introduce her to me ? ’ he suggested .
33 I did not bring her anything ; I spoil her enough as it is . ’
34 ‘ The trouble with T S , ’ says one long-time acquaintance , ‘ is that he can not bring himself to confide in anybody . ’
35 But he could not bring himself to do it , especially not now , after Simon had revealed how she had spoken up for him .
36 No wonder that Abraham can not bring himself to name Isaac , or even refer to him as his son .
37 But Gaily could not bring himself to ask why she did not return to it .
38 He seldom corrected , and could not bring himself , as company teachers should , regularly to attend company performances to watch his pupils in action .
39 He could not bring himself to apologise .
40 When , in well-cut white satin and glycerine tears , she sobbed , Oh but Daddy I do love him , I do love him , he still tried to reason with her ; but then when he saw her hitching up the satin and running across the lawn , throwing off the veil , scattering the astonished wedding guests as she ran , and when he saw her jumping into a truck , not caring that she was getting petrol stains all over her broderie anglaise , jumping into a truck and not with the man they all expected her to love , but with the one she really loves , and then driving off with him in a cheap pickup truck to a motel in Wisconsin , shouting out , Goodbye Father , Goodbye Father ! as she goes ; well when he saw her doing that then Boy could not bring himself to disapprove .
41 He could not bring himself to look at her .
42 During the first visit he was in such low spirits he could not bring himself to meet even the faithful Cottle ; during the second , in early April , optimism and humour had sufficiently returned for him to relish a meeting with one especially talkative woman on his homeward walk .
43 Presumably he should have shot her or let her drown , rather than make a present of her to the French , but there were some things Karelius could not bring himself to do .
44 The Friar was bewildered by his loss and could not bring himself to think clearly about the disaster .
45 He could not bring himself to say it .
46 He can not bring himself to believe in dark powers and evil forces as expressed in biblical language .
47 Lung cancer victim Roy could not bring himself to shake the hand of the former Prime Minister , who is said to earn £550,000 as a consultant for US tobacco giant Philip Morris .
48 And a photographer told how he saw a girl of about six so severely burned that a fireman could not bring himself to treat her by dousing her with a hose .
49 At the last Arlott could not bring himself to sign the contract .
50 One of the gunmen had been instructed to kill Thakin Nu , who was elsewhere , but he could not bring himself to slay this man known for his religious piety .
51 Sycorax was lodged in his conscience and she lamed him , like a stone in a horse 's hoof ; yet he could not bring himself to have her murdered .
52 Though Musgrave did not bring himself to ask the soldier what he had seen , his impression was ‘ that Aimable had not been fattened up to the mark of the visitor 's large expectations ’ .
53 Brian could not bring himself to discard collar and tie but looked , always , slightly ashamed of them .
54 Herodotus can not bring himself to believe in a story which gives as the cause of centuries of rivalry ‘ nothing worse than woman-stealing on both sides ’ ( 42 ) , for he does not think the Greeks could possibly have gone to war over anything so trivial , and indeed he appears to concur with the Persian view that ‘ no young woman allows herself to be abducted if she does not wish to be ’ ( 42 ) .
55 But Harry could not bring himself to condemn him .
56 Releasing her abruptly , fitzAlan pulled Isabel 's arms away from him and held them , gazing down at her face as if the sight of her tormented him beyond bearing and yet he still could not bring himself to look away .
57 More importantly , he was not tonsured : Lothar , perhaps moved by the obligations of a godfather , could not bring himself thus to exclude Charles from the ranks of the throneworthy .
58 An unsporting Stratford Herald critic , leaving Shakespeare country for a night out in Coventry , could not bring himself to join in the fun .
59 Each passenger is a different face of white colonialism : the overt racist who can not bring himself to use a Black doctor to treat his sick wife ; the hypocritical racist who secretly has an affair with his Black housekeeper ; the white liberal who alternates between ’ slumming ’ it with the natives , and living with the whites , not quite willing or able to give up his white privilege .
60 He could not bring himself to say the words , so great was his terror of plague .
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