Example sentences of "[not/n't] provide for " in BNC.

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1 For a long time , though , not only was contact thought of as inappropriate and as transgressing the traditional image of adoption , but there was also the view that the Adoption Act did not provide for access or contact .
2 As a result , you may have little practical alternative but to agree to increased working hours or to work in a different area , despite the fact that the contract does not provide for such things , if they are commercially necessary from the point of view of the business .
3 As Paul states in 1 Timothy 5:8 , ‘ If anyone does not provide for his relatives , and especially for his immediate family , he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever . ’
4 If the licence does not provide for extra vehicles application for variation of the O licence has to be made on another form ( GV 81 ) .
5 The different access that people from different social class origins have to resources in retirement is a major determinant of who can and who can not provide for themselves in old age .
6 They could not provide for them from their own resources , he alleged , and hence resorted to war , pillage and brigandage in order to sustain their followings .
7 The unequal treaties did not provide for this growing complexity , but it was clearly reflected in a process of treaty revision negotiation which , despite its ultimate success , did little to reassure Japan regarding the benevolence of Western intentions .
8 This view left room for considerable differences of opinion as to the means by which the labouring poor should be encouraged to work — by coercion or persuasion ; as to the degree to which those who worked could provide for all their needs , such as their children 's education , housing , sickness , old age , widowhood , or required support from the state in some or all of these circumstances ; and as to the degree of culpability of those who did not provide for themselves .
9 Not only does this not provide for a period of professional consolidation , but the students additionally have concern for their continuing employment .
10 Riche could not enforce the contract since the objects clause did not provide for the construction and running of railway systems , only for the manufacture of railway equipment .
11 A third concern , expressed above in relation to the proposals for UK policy , is that Article 86 does not provide for remedies where a market situation is not conducive to economic efficiency but the actual conduct of dominant firms is ‘ innocent ’ .
12 In the event , therefore , the Act did not provide for large-scale planning and redevelopment , but stimulated further direction towards slum clearance by extending new forms of subsidy directed to the rehousing of overcrowded families .
13 On the other hand there are those who would argue that even if the academic course has to have a vocational purpose — and most students themselves would agree with this — the variety of vocational destinations requires a degree of generality to achieve commonality of interests and this can not provide for the specific needs of future language teachers .
14 California 's SIP was rejected by the EPA because it did not provide for attainment of the photochemical oxidant standard for Los Angeles .
15 A crystallised charge will bite on all the assets covered by the charge since normally a floating charge does not provide for crystallisation over part only of the assets to which it relates .
16 Thus , for example , when specific prices are rising , depreciating the historic cost of the asset will not provide for replacement .
17 People in even the simplest forms of developed economy required goods and services which they could not provide for themselves .
18 they do not provide for flexible combination as is demanded by highly specific subjects ;
19 That is certainly not the Government 's intention , and the Bill does not provide for that .
20 The opposition objected to the law , saying , among other things , that it did not provide for " equitable participation " of both sides on the electoral bodies , and that the FSLN would receive most of the money from a government campaigning fund to be distributed to the parties which won the most votes in the 1984 elections ( which the opposition had boycotted ) .
21 De Klerk insisted that such a system would not provide for preferential treatment for any group at the expense of any other .
22 This was apparently rejected by the Phnom Penh government on Sept. 25 , on the grounds that it did not provide for Hun Sen 's appointment as Vice-Chair .
23 The accord was rejected by Gen. Aoun on the grounds that it did not provide for an immediate Syrian troop withdrawal [ ibid ] .
24 The accord was rejected by Aoun on the grounds that it did not provide for an immediate Syrian troop withdrawal .
25 Like the earlier pact which was due to due to expire in 1991 [ see pp. 36636 ; 34522-23 ] , the new agreement did not provide for a price support structure common to other commodity arrangements and favoured by the two largest jute producers , Bangladesh and India .
26 The agreement did not provide for a specific " quota of power " for the FMLN , an issue which had been a major sticking-point in negotiations .
27 Hence if one trend in modern culture corresponds to hatred of the parents and a desire to be rid of them and their authority , another equally insistent one demands their protection , their love , their provision of all that one can not provide for oneself — in short , welfare .
28 Yet the primal mother is no longer with us , least of all in modern industrial societies where regimes of child-rearing , although perhaps permissive , can not provide for total maternal-dependency throughout life .
29 If the system does not provide for supervision , then the health authority could be primarily liable because it is well established that doctors need to do their training on the job .
30 Usually the terms of the new lease will be the same as the terms of the old , but there is no reason why the parties should not provide for variations in those terms .
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