Example sentences of "[not/n't] need to " in BNC.

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1 Of course , insiders are well aware of the drama which surrounds interrogation and do not need to be reminded or really welcome such information being made public , for as a detective colleague pointed out after reading Irving 's paper , ‘ if we do n't use fear , force , fraud or the promise , how do they think we are going to clear up the crime and get the coughs the system needs to survive ? ’
2 You do not need to be on income support to get a crisis loan but you must be able to show that it is the only means of preventing serious risk to you or your partner 's health and safety .
3 The interesting part is that the measuring fibre does not need to be part of the current carrying circuit , giving a high degree of electrical isolation .
4 Her powerful and eloquent singing really does not need to be supplemented by low-register Sprechstimme ; one can see the point , but Puccini is near enough to raw melodrama without such mannerism .
5 To enjoy it , we do not need to be dry : just in need of a restorative or relaxant , or maybe a focus for a social moment or brief encounter .
6 The parallel with policies inside multi-racial societies for banishing or reducing racial ‘ discrimination ’ or for exorcising by economic and social reorganisation the mutual envy and fear of envy between the races , does not need to be laboured .
7 They did not need to .
8 The Kings did not need to be at their pearly best to win 111-77 .
9 I also accept the Commission 's view that any joint service intended as more effective competition would not need to be introduced so far in advance of the tunnel 's opening . ’
10 Mr Medvedev does not moralise ; he does not need to ; but he can not resist commenting , and the reader can only , with sadness , agree .
11 This was how I valued other people , too — how I valued Dana , as someone who did not need to be improved but allowed to flourish in his own right , with all the confusions and contradictions of which he was capable .
12 We do not need to be feminists to see this as blatant and shocking selfishness .
13 Presumably the working class were voting for the Labour Party since they saw it as their party and did not need to incentive of a party machine .
14 I remember digging for what seemed like hours to lift those bulbs , so make sure you plant them where they will not need to be moved and allow ample room for their growth .
15 Rollers do not need to be circular in order to offer constant breadth .
16 The poor industrialist had said that the minimum wage would put him out of business , only to be told by the noble academic that it would not need to if he ran his company properly .
17 I am not , then , when I claim that the existence of God does not need to be proved , denying that we must show it to be reasonable to believe in God .
18 There is a greater recognition among philosophers that belief in God 's existence does not need to be justified in these terms , and that theologians themselves do not seek to provide such justification .
19 The ignition does not need to be retarded on your carburettor engine to run on lead free .
20 ‘ And , as Amanda Blore said , I shall not need to be careful any more . ’
21 Spores do not need to be killed in normal operational practice as the infectivity of the common spore former , Clostridium perfringens , occurs when the vegetative cell is ingested and converts to a spore .
22 This does not need to be smart or expensive .
23 They do not need to be too smart ; in fact , it is better if they do look rapidly produced , in response to an immediate threat .
24 We do not need to be aggressive and anxious if we have open access to the Father , the indwelling presence of Christ in our hearts , and the guidance of the Holy Spirit .
25 You do not need to be chairman of the meeting to wield power , various other roles and devices will also serve your purpose .
26 You should be able to forgive yourself once you realise that you are not expected to be perfect ; indeed , if you were , you would not need to be here at all — your spirit would be continuing its learning process somewhere else .
27 We would generally feel that the welfare of people who need to knock themselves out with some kind of drug and need to spend a large part of their lives thus self-narcotised is less good than that of people who do not need to .
28 This is all I shall relate about Charlotte 's circumstances in order to protect her anonymity , but suffice it to say , I decided to play along with her idea of aromatherapy being simply a pleasant way to relax — indeed , you do not need to be ill to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy massage .
29 Here the producer does not need to be a registered carrier .
30 Patients do not need to home monitor every day when their diabetes is stable but rather two or three days a week testing three or four times during the day .
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