Example sentences of "[not/n't] come out " in BNC.

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1 This is why Mr Mandela will not come out first , why the initial idea will be to test the waters with the lesser-known prisoners .
2 She was very nervous at first and would not come out from behind the piano .
3 Cutting behind Mr Zamoyski 's shop , he prayed that the cobbler would not come out and greet him .
4 ‘ So why do you not come out ? ’ asked the guru .
5 If a black and a white person mate , their children do not come out either black or white : they are intermediate .
6 Although Maidstone was now beginning to display the fact that he was far from sober — his walk was a little unsteady and one or two of his words did not come out exactly right — the visit to the hatshop passed off without any untoward incident .
7 When I met them , I did not come out with all the clichéd bullshit and all the record company going-through-the-motions kind of thing , ’ he says .
8 I am not saying that one might not come out with some new and splendid solution which was neither culling nor letting the environment go to pieces .
9 Especially when the rash does not come out or is suppressed and a stuporose state comes on ; stinging pains ; high pitched cry ; scanty urine ; swellings and effusions .
10 The rash stings and burns , is worse ( < ) washing and water , worse ( < ) heat of the bed ; thirsty ; hot feet , may stick them out of the bed ; hot flushes of the skin which may look dusky and red ; burning stinging catarrhs from the eyes or nose ; dusky purplish skin and the rash does not come out ; slow convalescence and the patient is weak , tired and prostrate .
11 In scarlet fever this state may come up when dusky , mottled and covered in red spots but the eruption does not come out ( like Antimonium tartaricum ) .
12 It may also be noted that if this method is employed then the first number chosen should be by random means rather than just ‘ saying a number between 1 and 10 ’ since it is well known that choices between these limits do not come out anything like randomly — the number 7 being particularly popular .
13 In their report , the prime minister 's advisers did not come out against optical fibres altogether .
14 It dare not come out , in case the source of the pain is waiting for it , and so it remains there , dying alone and in private .
15 It may not come out right .
16 As the Indian saying goes , ‘ If a dog walks through a cotton field , he does not come out dressed in a suit . ’
17 Sometimes , with the best of intentions , the words do not come out quite right .
18 If the students fail , or disobey in any way , they know their families will not come out again .
19 If I can not come out soon — much of me will die , and only I will know enough to mourn its passing .
20 He will not come out until he ‘ receives further instructions from God , ’ the spokesman explained .
21 It was important that members of the Party should not come out with calls for a referendum on capital punishment , as some candidates were reported to have done .
22 We are not to suppose of this machine that when a chocolate bar does not come out there exists a causal circumstance which necessitates the failure .
23 The extreme diehards had written off Law as the dupe of Lloyd George because he did not come out fighting against coalition policies , hence the witticism that the coalition was an alliance between a flock of sheep led by a , crook and a flock of crooks led by a sheep .
24 His assailant did not come out of the affair unscathed .
25 Why does it not come out ?
26 His mother spoke only Yiddish , his two brothers were suspicious of the visitors , the young sister hid and would not come out at all .
27 The responsibility for drawing the first furrow on a narrow stetch was one the head horseman could not afford to delegate , unless it was to a man equally skilled as himself ; for a stetch that did not come out , at every point , exactly to the inch would render ineffective the use of implements that had been designed specially for it ; again , a botched stetch was visible to all — to the casual passer-by and to the practised eye of his neighbour ; and the ‘ loss of face ’ a head horseman suffered through allowing the standard of his own work to be below that of the next farm 's was enough to make him ensure that every field was laid out and ploughed with as much care as patience and long-practised skill made possible .
28 Any batteries that do not come out should be gently moved from side to side to allow them to unhook .
29 ‘ I spent hours in the library looking up all the journals I could find — and the thing that kept coming back to me was that even if you had the treatment , there was a chance that the effects of toxoplasmosis on the child might not come out until years later .
30 And he 'll not come out on strike .
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