Example sentences of "[not/n't] actually have " in BNC.

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1 Since Tixier-Vignancour did not actually have any questions to ask him he decided to bluff it out to the end .
2 This leaves us with the possibility that , while the previous life the patient describes may not actually have happened , he is not deliberately inventing it but relating something which may have been created in his subconscious mind and which he really believes to be true .
3 We do not actually have in this supposed counter-example to transitivity what we must have , statements of the forms if P then Q , If Q then R , and If P then R. ( Mackie , 1980 ) Certainly , whatever is to be said of transitivity elsewhere , dependent nomic conditionals are transitive .
4 It was an existence conducted as if in poverty , but my adoptive parents could not actually have been poor ; still , it was ruled by insistences on not wasting , on eating everything up , on being grateful , on saving light and water .
5 That is , conduct may be within the sight or hearing of another , even though the other may not actually have heard it .
6 In fact , no offence had been committed , so that the assistance sought could not actually have impeded the police .
7 However , the actual time taken to cover a kilometre will almost certainly have varied substantially between road types , thus it is possible that their subjects did not actually have more to report in the shopping areas .
8 And Gee ( 1975 : 311 ) argues that whereas in I helped them carry the load " I take part in the carrying " , this is not necessarily implied by the sentence with to , where " I need not actually have done any carrying " , as shown by : ( 16a ) I helped them to carry the load by having my secretary get them a cart .
9 Quite frankly My Lords , if there are forty-one constabularies throughout the c country e excluding the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police , any for instance fifty people were a applied and they may well apply because plenty of people have already done so , you would be talking about a list of some two thousand people it 's quite impossible to think that my Honourable Friend would know all these two thousand people therefore carefully select party hats who might themselves not actually have applied anyhow .
10 And when you can see the moon the water that 's rushing along trying to catch up with it might not actually have been there yet .
11 Apart from not actually having members of your audience fall headlong , the other main consideration when getting them into and out of their seats is ease of movement .
12 also we ought to be treating it , are you not actually having any active treatment at the moment are you ?
13 I 've been , I 've been through them all and er there 's only one or two that I 've not actually had any contact with actually one way or another .
14 It 's remembering the formulas and stuff that 's er is the is the major thing , because I know , like in the class , I 've not actually had a lesson where I 've done bad .
15 It 's been going on for about seventeen months now and the in chief man at Hill House was rather interested to hear that we 'd not actually had it resolved yet , and asked for the reference numbers and .
16 I mean we have n't actually had a knock back , we have n't actually put the request in yet so if we can proceed on that format of applying
17 So you hav t have n't actually had any Eyecron
18 I did n't see this as being primarily er a , a reflection on the day as such , although they have n't actually had the opportunity to sort of mull it over .
19 In the me we had n't actually had a chance go through it properly ourselves .
20 It can be I know , but I mean erm , I 'm thinking of some of my electorate , and I have n't actually had the opportunity to ask them .
21 . We have actually erm got a number of leaflets and brochures on play equipment but erm as was mentioned at the last meeting I was going to get together with David and the clerk to discuss future plans for play equipment but we have n't actually had a meeting yet cos we 're still getting information from various reps and playground equipment companies and erm we 'll leave that item for now .
22 Okay , look , I have n't actually had a copy .
23 I mean it has n't actually had any grow
24 But if I write back and say I have n't actually had any wages since the seventeenth of January I might get it backdated from then .
25 But we have n't actually had a set amou , although they said that there would be money coming
26 but I said that you know eighteen might be a push but I would n't be surprised if we got twelve or fourteen at that time of course we had n't actually had any education events cos the one that we scheduled has been cancelled so I was perhaps a bit naive about how many people actually turn out to these things
27 If you were n't actually having a ‘ sleep-argument ’ you were probably dreaming about having one .
28 See , you see it 's okay this guy being funny like that but we er we , I think we 've got every right to be D' ya mean if we had n't actually have been starting the work , heaven knows how long it would have been before we 'd actually got the invoices paid !
29 He did n't actually have to run his finger along the line in order to make sense of it , but he did like to mouth the words as he got to them .
30 Perhaps Caroline did n't actually have a business manager , but had found that the mention of one proved effective .
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