Example sentences of "[not/n't] actually [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 That in any state in which the distinction is not actually observed between the constitution and the government there is in reality no constitution , because the will of the government has no check upon it , and that state is in fact a despotism .
2 A simple solution is to use small angle brackets which support the tile but are not actually fixed to it .
3 The benefit — the payments from the trust — is not actually received in the United Kingdom ; it is paid overseas to the overseas lender .
4 The exhibition also features four of his sculptures , including the bronzes ‘ Les travaux et les jours d'Hésiode ’ and ‘ Hymen ’ , which was not actually cast until the 1950s .
5 And , and we 've not actually invested that time back in .
6 Also found on dunes is the Variegated horse-tail community , which may occur where there are records of Equisetum variegatum , although it is not actually recorded from the Outer Hebrides .
7 Most of the following communities are not actually recorded for the Outer Hebrides in the NVC ( unless explicitly stated ) but might well occur .
8 If the intervals are not regular but are simply the time it takes the operator to change the subject and are not perceptible , it becomes stop-motion ( or single frame ) animation proper — the movement is created , but not actually recorded .
9 These are not actually recorded on police statistics but th nevertheless they could have been much more serious than in fact they were .
10 Although it was begun in the sixteenth-century the building was not actually completed for over a hundred years , the upper floor being added in the seventeenth-century .
11 The Spartan force , 1500 of ‘ their own ’ hoplites , was strikingly big , even if ‘ their own ’ included an element of , say , half drawn from the ‘ perioikic ’ communities , that is , the Peloponnesian areas which were under Spartan control but not actually enslaved as was Messenia .
12 If he had not actually gone into the room he would not have seen Gina ; she was standing against one of the bookcases hidden from him by the open door .
13 Labour Party say they want to tackle crime in and we have , and I hope we will debate later on this agenda , the situation where a Labour Chairman of the Police Complaints Committee turns up a public meeting urging er law- breaking and support for people who are not actually gone to trial an a the circumstances of the events really does not concern us but it 's the fact that leaflets are now circularising this city , printed by our old friends , the resource centre , urging people to join the Defence Committee , which is supported by the University Labour Party , is supported by the West Labour Party and is supported by the Police Complaints Committee no less .
14 No but no , not , not actually gone to Weston .
15 Social revolutionaries have been keenly aware of the force of nationalism , as well as ideologically committed to national autonomy , even when it is not actually wanted , as among the Lusatian Slavs , whose language is slowly retreating , in spite of the previous admirable efforts of the German Democratic Republic to foster it .
16 In September 1987 an official of West L.B. , Paul Kiang , was arrested although it seems that he was not actually charged until June 1988 .
17 The implication from the provision and s741 is if the Revenue have not actually charged the income when it arose in year 1 and it is paid out in year 3 , the only charge under s739 would be in year 3 when the monies are paid out .
18 Two swing eighth notes resemble this triplet figure : *** Sometimes you might see this at the beginning of a chart : ***** In some texts , you might find the rhythm written as *** but it 's not actually played like that .
19 It is therefore , very difficult to follow up adults who have enquired about courses but not actually applied .
20 They were not actually detected until much later .
21 Er , I also wanted to raise the issue of er the public service section in respect to er this because there 's something prob perhaps not actually tackled in the resolution but equally er important I think is that it 's actually getting the resources into er er down to the br branch level and er if we took this resolution literally , er what it would actually mean would be that er in har with harmonization of agreements we would be handing over er our majority on the manual workers , public service workers to , so obviously we got ta take this resolution very seriously , but consider its implications and the relevance of the word appropriate because I do n't think that we want to be er handed over to come July the first er single table bargaining where we are an absolute minority and where th th that union merge that 's taking place is obviously hostile to our union .
22 Efforts began to secure FDIC backing for banks not actually bankrupted by the collapse .
23 While the Centre was not actually named , it was clear that it was Buklod that was being referred to .
24 It looks like it see cos they 're not actually sent out from here they 're
25 On that basis of the civil law , the majority of the Supreme Court of Canada held in Montreal Tramways v. Leveille [ 1933 ] 4 D.L.R. 337 , that when a child not actually born at the time of an accident was subsequently born alive and viable , it was clothed with all the rights of action which it would have had if actually in existence at the date of the accident to the mother .
26 While in hospital I had mentioned to my surgeon that I intended to go to the Bristol Cancer Help Centre , although at that time I had not actually made up my mind .
27 Being proactive means negotiating with your supervisor about what you expect from her or him , instead of just accepting the terms ( often not actually made explicit ) on which supervision is offered .
28 They went along with populist solutions to problems that if not actually created by the Nazis , had certainly been worked on and exaggerated to the Nazis ' own advantage .
29 They 're not actually prepared to go in to diagnosing dementia which I think is very wise of them but it means that you could then get into a very interesting discussion about whether we 're talking about people with dementia or about people who are simply confused .
30 After the Restoration he was one of those not actually attainted but perpetually disabled from holding any office .
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