Example sentences of "[not/n't] go to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Why not go to some evening classes around here ? ’
2 Nevertheless , he did not go to university unwillingly .
3 She did not go to the room with the twin beds but to the single room with the sloping ceiling .
4 Both of these places are within walking distance of Docklands but I did not go to the Great British Beer Festival .
5 But I did not go to the Great British Beer Festival .
6 JOHN PRESCOTT did not go to university , was never a television presenter , and finds it exceedingly difficult to complete a grammatically correct sentence .
7 What did emerge though was a personable and seemingly deeply caring young man , claiming not to understand why sportsmen could not go to South Africa but could go to India , which imported South African gold .
8 Others in Vitebsk suspected that gold seized would not go to the Volga famine relief but into the Bolsheviks ' pockets or their mouths in the shape of much-fancied gold teeth .
9 She put her knickers on , and almost smiled , because even now she would not go to Rachel without them .
10 She did not go to the post office the next evening or the next .
11 It would not do for it to take place in Moran 's house and Moran would not go to a hotel .
12 • When you feel tired in the evening , do not go to bed yet — find something interesting to do : an evening stroll , for example or a visit to friends .
13 The girls admitted they did not go to discos , but said they had friends .
14 They cite Germany 's Abitur , where school-leavers are graded in eight subjects , and where their grading wins them entry into an apprenticeship if they do not go to university .
15 I want to submit that it means that we do not go to the world with a watertight message which demands ‘ take it or leave it ’ .
16 You can not go to a Franciscan centre without coming face to face with Francis ' emphasis on the cross .
17 We were sad because he could not come to my room and I could not go to his home , where it would have been difficult to explain our relationship .
18 The doctrine of original sin and baptismal regeneration meant that an unbaptised infant could not go to heaven .
19 He did not know how to tell her that he was very , very sorry for being small , and for snivelling , and for ruining her life so that she could not go to America to be a film-star .
20 I can not go to her , she does not realise , she can never understand .
21 ‘ Then why do you not go to bed ? ’
22 This is because of the theological stance of some that people who have taken their own lives can not go to heaven , but instead go to hell eternally because the sin is viewed as such a serious one .
23 There is , in fact , every indication that Karajan was acutely aware of the temper of the times , though to find evidence of this we do not go to the random rag-bag of recordings he was permitted to make in the early 1940s but to what he immediately turned his mind to with Legge in Vienna in 1947 : Strauss 's Metamorphosen , a recording , still , of unparalleled intensity , and the Brahms German Requiem , a performance ( it was said to be one of Toscanini , s favourite records ) of unbearable directness and poignancy of utterance .
24 I could not go to it but they showed it on television .
25 ‘ I have been training , and I do not go to the London marathon for sightseeing .
26 If I can not go to my own home , let me have a home in some country where my people will not die so fast .
27 August 1939 , Hitler signed a non-aggression treaty with Russia , possibly believing that without Russia as an ally , France would not go to the aid of Poland in the event of war .
28 The fact that it will rain tomorrow , for example , may mean that I should not go to London , even though the balance of reasons on the merits of my going ( i.e. all the reasons pro and con but the rain ) suggest that I should go .
29 Why not go to Reading ?
30 Lachlan was being left in charge of the castle , and Lady Marion could not go to the ceremony , for the baby was near its time .
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