Example sentences of "[not/n't] have looked " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You must excuse me , ’ croaked the old woman , reaching for her handkerchief — a murky brown item that would not have looked out of place knotted round a leaky sewer pipe — ‘ But you got to laugh sometimes !
2 Anyone in late eighteenth-century London who was anxious to ‘ insure the removal of barrenness ’ or ‘ improve , exalt , and invigorate the body and through them the mental faculties of the human species ’ , need not have looked further than the Temple of Health where Dr James Graham had constructed what he modestly termed his ‘ medico-magnetico-musico-electrical bed ’ .
3 I could not have looked out of the window if I had tried , the chores were all done , and there was nothing whatever to do except sit at that table and write .
4 With his teeth chattering , his mouth bleeding and his hair flattened to his skull he could not have looked less appealing as he presented himself at the front door .
5 Peter Roebuck might not have looked 13 in 1969 , but then he could well be taken for less than his 36 years now .
6 If the tortoiseshell had still been on the windowsill she probably would not have looked in , but the tortoiseshell had removed itself to the hearth rug .
7 Had she done so she would not have said a word , would not have looked a word , would simply have sat on the bed and talked to Tina for ten minutes instead of the two of them sitting opposite each other in armchairs .
8 As a leader among the Owenites , Doherty may not have looked so far towards the promised land of Owen 's splendid but indistinct new view ; but his perception , though narrower , was clearer .
9 At the end , I may not have looked much like her , but I felt like Brigitte Bardot .
10 They may be of course , but we may not have looked in the right place yet to find that .
11 In fact , the clothes Yuri had worn to our shoot — an American jacket and trousers with a grey shirt and fur-lined black trainers — would n't have looked at all of place on the dance floor of Stringfellows , but Yuri was after a smoother image .
12 She stood up : ‘ No , I did n't ! — So he could n't have done it , could he ? — And before you say owt , he could n't have looked her up in the phone book 'cos she 's ex-directory ! — And anyway , he told me to go round there today and get her to put her money in the bank .
13 Or perhaps even that he and I together , in as filthy moods as we were , must n't have looked like the sort of people even a policeman should risk messing with .
14 Even a trial separation from Barnet was too much for Fry , who says that he could n't have looked himself in the mirror if he 'd refused to come back .
15 He put my felonious body in the stocks of his arm and led me off in the direction of what passed for a garden at Sussex , a series of brick-edged parallelograms that could n't have looked more artificial if they had been planted with cathode-ray tubes , instead of hardy perennials .
16 ABBERLEY : You ca n't have looked after her .
17 ‘ If you loved Ruth I would n't have been able to — I would n't have looked after Ruth as I have . ’
18 ‘ I should n't have looked at the paper — ’
19 No well I would n't have looked at them from that , from the point of view of
20 The priest could n't have looked more relieved if he had completed a mission to those that dwell in the waters that are below the earth .
21 They 'd have sacked him , if it had n't been for his war-record — it would n't have looked good .
22 She patted him on the shoulder and he drove off as she plumbed her bag for a ring of keys which would n't have looked out of place at Balmoral .
23 There was also a pair of blue-rimmed glasses which Dame Edna Everage would n't have looked amiss in .
24 If I 'd hit you you could n't have looked more stricken .
25 Travis could n't have looked more sceptical if she 'd told him the world was flat after all .
26 So it 's like that without , I mean , with Carla , I mean , you ca n't you know , you just ca n't think when you 've got ta I mean she would have been bored and she would n't have looked at the gifts .
27 I went , and then I went well he ca n't have looked around for us too well because we were walking by the side of the road .
28 erm I could n't have looked after my mum .
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