Example sentences of "['s] eyes [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It had been a terrible few seconds until Dorcas 's eyes adjusted to the distance .
2 With control over Korea and Taiwan secure , Japan 's eyes turned to the territories of Northeast China and Manchuria , and Japan 's search for the acquisition of control over greater portions of Asian territory governed the development of Asian Japanese relations during the four decades up to 1945 .
3 All Grubby 's eyes turned to heaven .
4 Theda 's eyes turned to her , a question in them .
5 Folly 's eyes jerked upwards at the hoarse whisper to see her escort being greeted by a plumpish middle-aged woman with steel-grey hair and a worried expression .
6 Over her supine body Andrew and Horatia 's eyes met and she took the initiative , knowing she had to get the better of the marquis straight away .
7 The tall woman 's eyes swept from screen to screen .
8 Rune 's eyes swept across her open face and she saw his jaw tighten momentarily as he clearly read her distress .
9 The woman 's eyes swept over him .
10 Guido 's eyes swept over her like tools of dissection .
11 Fred 's eyes swept over her delicate features and slender figure with such a wry look that she had to laugh .
12 Ingrid watched in amazement as the eggs disappeared as if they were being sucked into quicksand , and looked up to see every man 's eyes riveted upon Ilse 's gaping crack .
13 The icy fear which showed in the older man 's eyes cut through Vologsky 's mild concern like a knife , chilling him to the bone .
14 Immediately Alec 's eyes filled with sweat again and he strained to hold the delicate balance of the bucket of fire as it moved lower and closer to the shape carved out of the ground .
15 Kalchu 's eyes filled with tears , and Chola , holding her face in both her hands , was racked with sobbing .
16 Sarah 's eyes filled with tears , which she allowed him to see before burying her face against his ample knees .
17 Daisy 's eyes filled with tears .
18 Simon Cormack 's eyes filled with tears and he began to cry uncontrollably .
19 Elizabeth Woodville 's eyes filled with tears .
20 The nun 's eyes filled with tears .
21 Katherine 's eyes filled with tears and she rushed to her room .
22 Elinor 's eyes filled with tears .
23 Bathsheba 's eyes filled with tears , and she did not try to hide her anger and her injured pride .
24 Eloise Brückner 's eyes filled with tears .
25 The cure 's eyes filled with tears .
26 Ruth 's eyes filled with tears at life 's cruelty and she had to swallow hard to stop them spilling .
27 Ruth 's eyes filled with pain at the truth of that blunt statement .
28 Suddenly Ruth 's eyes filled with tears and she took a step back .
29 Dawn 's eyes filled with hatred as she glared at Sophie , and she was about to say more when Helen said quietly , ‘ Come into the office .
30 Drawing a long breath , Sophie shook her head and hugged her godmother so lovingly that Helen 's eyes filled with tears .
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