Example sentences of "['s] [adj] interest " in BNC.

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1 The borrower 's total interest cost
2 But one is constantly struck by the author 's insatiable interest in the whole range of sculptural production , which refused to allow him to ignore the ceramics made under the influence of sculptors , the bronze door handles of the Hill Music Room or even the four terminal busts attached to the bookcase in the office of the Keeper of Antiquities .
3 Indian patronage and the prospect of such patronage was the cement of David Scott 's political interest in the Dundee district of burghs .
4 Incompetent candidates with friends valuable to Keith 's political interest could try his patience sorely .
5 Car sales had been the one area of consumer spending undented by the Chancellor 's high interest rates strategy .
6 From the point when the Government 's high interest rate policies start taking effect to the point when companies start calling in the receiver , there tends to be quite a delay — liquidity problems do not suddenly emerge unless something dramatically goes wrong .
7 THE BRITISH economy is on the brink of a ‘ major slowdown ’ in the fourth quarter as the Government 's high interest rate policy produces a dramatic downturn in business confidence , the latest Dun and Bradstreet survey of UK business says .
8 Despite this the market treats Evans like a black sheep with a severe attack of Chancelloritus — the disease that afflicts any company that people think will be affected by the Chancellor 's high interest rate policies .
9 Word of St George 's high interest has been well publicised but they still have failed to gain Ofahengaue 's services .
10 Cater Allen 's High Interest Cheque Account , which currently pays a gross CAR of 7.76% , requires a minimum investment of £1,000 but pays interest down to £500 .
11 ‘ The Government 's high interest rate policy has pushed thousands of our fellow citizens into bankruptcy and despair .
12 ‘ Industry ca n't afford to invest in modern technology because of the Government 's high interest rates , so it is less competitive .
13 Mr Franco has often complained about the short-term speculation attracted by Brazil 's high interest rates .
14 ‘ The government 's high interest rate policy , strongly promoted by Mr Lilley , crippled businesses in Hartlepool and caused mortgage misery for thousands of townspeople .
15 ‘ The government 's high interest rate policy , strongly promoted by Mr Lilley , crippled businesses in Hartlepool and caused mortgage misery for thousands of townspeople .
16 On his father 's death , Farrar abandoned his professional career content to live off the income from his father 's estate which he managed admirably , and instead concentrated on what was to be his lifetime 's consuming interest — the compilation of literature on deafness .
17 Outside the Hellenic sphere , too , Wagner 's influence materialized in the form of a revival of earlier preoccupations : a renewal of Nietzsche 's old interest in large problems of aesthetics and art as a whole .
18 Althusser 's theoretical interest , on the other hand , is that he demonstrates the impossibility of any attempt simply to exclude , excise or extirpate Hegel .
19 Schemes may be agreed if no damage to the site 's scientific interest is assured or may be modified by mutual agreement .
20 Ella 's lively interest in Harold Shoosmith was shared by the rest of Thrush Green .
21 Althusser 's historical interest derives from the fact that he represents the only orthodox Marxist theorist who has tried to get out of Hegel while remaining a Marxist — though for many Marxists he did sacrifice Marxism in the process , which only suggests how closely Marxism and Hegelianism are intertwined .
22 Grandfather 's principal interest was to hear the one who played the piano but when he got there he was rather taken up with the violinist .
23 Although the arrangement of statements of attainment into levels is implicitly a model of learning , it would be misleading to argue that developing this model was TGAT 's principal interest .
24 In Parliament Jackson 's principal interest was not party politics , rather the promotion of West Hartlepool .
25 Ronald Reagan 's serious interest in politics dates at least as far back as his early days in Hollywood and , given the later doubts about his intelligence , it is interesting to note that , at this stage , he hardly lived up to the image of an empty-headed film actor .
26 There is a persistent rumour that Mr Soros 's real interest in all this is not gold at all , but the bond markets .
27 Auntie 's real interest — all her care — was for her family .
28 Football : Taylor 's chief interest
29 The book 's chief interest lies in the fact that Caroline Capel was a sister of the 1st Marquess of Anglesey and that she and her family , for financial reasons , were living in Brussels at the time of Waterloo .
30 She had learnt long ago that Nahum 's chief interest in the Foundling Hospital was the boost it gave to his own ego being on the Board of Governors , a position acquired mainly through the generosity of his brother-in-law , John Bradford , who always supported the charity financially .
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