Example sentences of "[n mass] [modal v] probably " in BNC.

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1 The surplus of over £15,000 million , ( that is the gross proceeds , less VAT ) , would find its way into circulation , while VAT at 25% would probably make up half of the £M 7,000 needed , making our entire oil revenues surplus to current budget .
2 It was noted that a subsidy of c. £1000 would probably be needed for a similar event in the future , but that a venue which operated a more lenient cancellation policy would make things easier for the organisers .
3 The offspring will probably be selected to want a greater quantity of parental investment than the parent because again , a little bit extra for the offspring probably means more than what to its reproductive success , than it er would mean to the reproductive erm , success of , of the mother , as far as the offsprings are concerned .
4 By this time the weakest of your fish will probably be dying .
5 The receptors are linked to the same area of the brain as the eyes , and so the fish can probably visualise these electric patterns , although they would only form a crude , shadowy image .
6 The selected statistics would probably include :
7 Even today , most educated people could probably tell you something about Voltaire and Rousseau ; Candide and the Confessions still appear in popular editions , and are therefore read .
8 Other people could probably tell their own tale about the impact it 's having on the way in which they have to work and the ways in which they have to respond .
9 Payton said : ‘ I was bought to score goals and some people could probably say I have been a flop .
10 Staff could probably provide him with something to eat , but he would have to obtain water for himself .
11 They must have talked long and hard about their future , and from now on Helen believed that other people would probably regard them as being ‘ engaged ’ — a term she hated because of the overtones of male dominance and female sexual ignorance that went with it .
12 But where other people would probably have covered the past in a coat of paint , the building 's new young occupants , the Stewarts have happily let it be and turned their decorative attentions to the interior instead .
13 People react in different ways to odours , for example most people would probably describe rural odours or odour from a brewery , perfumery , or fish and chip shop as pleasant , but not all , some would find them unpleasant , pungent even , especially after being subjected to them for any length of time .
14 Most people would probably not be delighted to be told that their daughter has chosen to become a surrogate mother ; but it can not be the function of the law either to prevent unpleasant situations , or to tell one 's daughter how to conduct her affairs .
15 There 's a grungy , thrash band playing upstairs , who get the approval of the reggae crew , and if Zoë suddenly came over the speakers , then people would probably wave their arms in the air .
16 Most people would probably agree that sleep was necessary and provided rest from exertion , and perhaps had some restorative function as well .
17 flower gardens they used to use them for , some people would probably grow small things like lettuce and salads and things of that nature .
18 If Alison Watt , poor little sausage , had measured the Queen Mum from ear to ear , and got everything in the right place in the same picture , people would probably tell her she was a genius .
19 ‘ Perhaps Ianthe will stick to spaghetti and ravioli , ’ said John , mentioning the better known varieties of pasta which English people would probably be familiar with in tinned form .
20 Most people would probably answer yes , which is quite normal .
21 I think I think a lot of people agree but I think a lot of people would probably say that .
22 But I think we 're covered there because we 've got grape vine , which people would probably work on a new leaflet and the specimen cassette 's going to be ready before the leaflet , and then project English new leaflet December , so if you are aiming to produce , if you do so , a new project English specimen cassette for next spring then
23 It 's staff would probably have decried any such connection with the upmarket skin magazine 's Hugh Hefner , but it was there none the less .
24 With VAT , this book could cost £20.95 , a level at which 10 per cent of sales would probably be lost .
25 I think if one looks at life and says : ‘ If I was doing that job , what are the conditions I would like to work in ? ’ , and then put them into operation , people will probably think it 's about right .
26 Despite the enthusiasm which greeted the revolutions in the East , some people will probably complain about greedy foreigners hogging our hard-earned cash .
27 People will probably go anyway , Sharp adds , ‘ but we may kill a few on the way , and we may get some wet noodles back . ’
28 Of course , I must be honest : I think some people will probably get hurt , but I suppose that 's a risk which everyone 's got to take in war . ’
29 As the hunt goes on for the missing millions of the family 's crashed empire , Pandora , 32 , beamed as she declared : ‘ People will probably wonder how on earth Kevin managed it with all he 's got on his mind . ’
30 The latter is calibrated in centimetres , but most people will probably only use the rod as a rough guide .
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