Example sentences of "[adv prt] for consultation " in BNC.

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1 Dr. Prior was called in for consultation and his advice was followed .
2 After the Report was sent off for consultation , there was large support , particularly from the business community , for one-third weighting for assessment of speaking and listening throughout the curriculum , even for 16 year olds , and this was the final decision .
3 On 9 November 1984 I set out for consultation a list of branded drugs which would no longer be prescribed under the health service .
4 Under the new proposals , currently out for consultation , the consequences of that could be extremely serious .
5 Mrs Thatcher agreed to allow the Report to be sent out for consultation , but asked for one alteration .
6 When the document was sent out for consultation , teachers , advisers and inspectors came down almost unanimously on our side .
7 Ideas have been sought from related organisations and the public throughout the project , and the draft management plan has now been sent out for consultation .
8 We will go out for consultation on the draft order in the next few days .
9 Political groupings in Slovakia continued to state their preference for a formal state treaty ( rather than a political declaration as embodied in the drafts ) , as the draft constitution was put out for consultation and amendment .
10 The erm draft of or the advice that the local planning authorities intend to give to the secretary of state is currently out for consultation , we hope that it will be submitted by the end of the year .
11 Then , in autumn 1991 , proposals for the new qualifications were put out for consultation with a very wide range of organisations , including Scottish colleges , central institutions , universities , secondary schools , industry lead bodies , professional bodies , Scottish Enterprise , Highlands and Islands Enterprise , and Local Enterprise Companies .
12 Draft specifications for general SVQs in this area have been sent out for consultation , and a seminar was held to discuss them at the end of October .
13 It referred to the regional strategy which is currently out for consultation but was an emerging document and copies of that were again appended to the briefing paper it outlined the county council 's procedures which were followed in progress in the structure plan it outlined a programme establishing the weight of opinion of objectors it indicated our process in preparing policy amendments to be put to the panel and all those matters were made public It also requested the panel 's view on the role of county council members at the enquiry in public the responses to that were not made public and were in fact a question which was clearly put to the panel .
14 Following intensive work over the past 2/3 years , standards for ‘ Coaching , teaching and instructing ’ within the Industry Lead Body for Sport and Recreation have been produced , and are now out for consultation .
15 Now Standlake is one of the sites that is now out for consultation .
16 You ca n't start making approaches to landowners and other people who live round about until the decision has been made by the working party whether to go out for consultation or not .
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