Example sentences of "[vb -s] not require " in BNC.

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1 This has the advantage that it does not require the pilot to remember any special movement of the controls other than the movement forward to unstall .
2 Computers have a machine-code into which instructions on the program are translated , a code which is a kind of computational ‘ bottom line ’ — a language that does not require a further interpretive step because it comes complete with its own interpretation .
3 Anaerobic activity does not require an oxygen supply to the muscles for a sudden , short burst of activity .
4 The Building Notice procedure is a comparatively new system and does not require the submission of any detailed plans .
5 Incidentally , I have used projection television receivers at home for the last 40 years and , possibly their use does not require the eye to be concentrated in one continuous subtended angle , my in eyes in their fourth quarter century still resolve that one minute of arc !
6 One obvious explanation is that deconstruction provided a convenient successor to the New Criticism in mass higher education , providing a form of detailed close analysis of texts which does not require much in the way of contextual cultural literacy .
7 Cleaning up Britain does not require international action , involve huge public expenditure , or impair the efficiency of industry .
8 The legislation does not require other than what it 's got . ’
9 I certainly sell more red lentils than any other dried pulse , probably because they are the only variety that does not require soaking before cooking and are therefore the most convenient .
10 If the unlawful act is arson ( criminal damage by fire ) , the fault element will be intention or Caldwell recklessness , and the latter does not require any subjective awareness on the defendant 's part .
11 It does not require any result , although it does require actual danger .
12 The limited ‘ defence ’ of mistake about the girl 's age , available to young men under 24 , was explained above , and the reason for creating such a limited ‘ defence ’ is that in general it has been held that the crime does not require any fault element as regards the girl 's age .
13 We can all do this — it does not require any special insights .
14 This is a fairly sophisticated performance , but it does not require a map .
15 The secondary difference between the two is that the dramatic context of King Charles opens up an elaboration of reference points which the simple game does not require . )
16 The Institute does not require that potential students shall have achieved any special competence in a language other than English , but would underline that such knowledge can be an important additional aid to extra profitability .
17 Special areas are designated for hazardous cargoes and , while in general the majority of traffic through the port does not require customs clearance , customs are available if required .
18 Appendix 4 to the 17th Report of the House of Lords Select Committee on the European Community states that ‘ Parliament does not require to be consulted before or during negotiations on a treaty or before a text is initialled ’ .
19 The great advantage of a steam engine lies in its ability to exert its full power at low revolutions , and it does not require a clutch .
20 It does not require 100 tonnes of plant material to produce one tonne of edible material per year .
21 Establishing that something is clearly wrong does not require going through the underlying reasoning .
22 This is a doubtful speculation as spinning , unlike sewing or embroidery does not require a strong light , and it is much more likely that the spinners would be found in comfort spinning by the light of their peat fires as dusk approached .
23 That from the Reiss and Wagner study may imply only that , in their procedure , generalization decrement completely masks inhibitory effects ; the result does not require us to deny the existence of the latter .
24 And the Kremer result does not require us to accept that a pre-exposed stimulus inhibits a CR in the way that a CS- does .
25 The concurrent interference account does not require this assumption but can perfectly well allow that changes in associability might accompany the formation of within-stimulus links .
26 Other mops in use are the domestic type sponge or squeegee mop which is useful for immediate floor spill control because it is easy to use and does not require a special mop bucket .
27 I do n't mean that you have to imagine him as your lover or prospective lover ; this story does not require such strict identification , and I do n't see that any story does .
28 After the rest he should be involved in some activity which does not require too much physical effort .
29 More importantly , there is experimental evidence for a mechanism that generates this basic pattern and which does not require anterior-posterior positional information .
30 One does not require all that many younger people , if equity is the watchword .
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