Example sentences of "[vb -s] be laid " in BNC.

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1 Often a priority given to some activity in this police hierarchy of meaning has been laid down from a constable 's first days as a probationer and now lies beneath the immediate consciousness , so that any calls for a change in direction of police response may well be defeated by an unspoken semantic value which the institution gives to that activity .
2 The author knows ( even if Akhsharumov has to remind him ) that the natural man in his hero has been laid low by the combined psychic onset of crime and punishment .
3 Above right Chinese woven grass has been laid on the guest bedroom floor .
4 Scepticism about the value of his word has been laid to one side ; western governments want a respectable , and reasonably fast , way out for their troops in Kurdistan .
5 Although the authorities conflict , it has been laid down that the new doctrine of reckless manslaughter supersedes the older doctrine of manslaughter by gross negligence .
6 One leaf on the table has been laid and , with the help of side mirrors , is reflected ad infinitum in both directions .
7 Above all , once a suitable base has been laid , your garage is up and working within about 48 hours , and often within a day .
8 This view shows the station still under construction and it will be seen that a temporary track has been laid up the ramp to Infirmary Road to enable materials to be offloaded .
9 He probably tells you that it is all arranged at this end , whereas in point of fact nothing has been laid on except by verbal arrangement with him , and then we have a frightful period such as is now going on .
10 THE DEVELOPMENT of arms and legs is very important in its own right , and it provides one of the best model systems for analysing how an organ develops once the body plan has been laid down .
11 Since early days , the castle has been laid waste and rebuilt many times before being inherited by the great benefactress , Lady Anne Clifford , who restored it in 1660 .
12 Finally the groundwork has been laid for obtaining useful rock mechanics data which can aid hydraulic fracture modelling in the Carboniferous .
13 In Buxtehude , great emphasis has been laid on publicity and , especially during the unpopular trial stage , on public participation .
14 However that myth has been laid to rest for good in Germany 's pedestrianised city centres and unsurprisingly it has proved unfounded in the experimental areas too .
15 Close inspection reveals that a strip of reverse grain timber has been laid down the centre in order to add strength — another old-fashioned idea and a good one , too .
16 Every aspect of their private life has been laid bare .
17 Once the foundation has been laid , you can lay the slabs on sand if you wish , provided that you have made a edge restraint .
18 The bed has been laid with fresh linen , cold and white .
19 As the carriage is moved along the needle bed , the brush on the leading edge of the sinker plate will be pushing on the weaving yarn which has been laid over the needles to move it to the right position .
20 ‘ Prost should be prepared to race anybody in any conditions — everything has been laid on for him . ’
21 Pakistan 's main doubt is skipper Javed Miandad who has been laid up in London with a stomach complaint since leading Pakistan to Test victory at the Oval .
22 Thankfully the old saw that ‘ you ca n't call yourselves world champions until you 've beaten the Boks ’ has been laid to rest and now , politics allowing , the South African game can get on with the long overdue task of putting its own house — in particular its over-powerful domestic unions — in order .
23 In the old bay platform , a short length of standard gauge track has been laid , on which there are several pieces of GWR rolling stock .
24 All required materials are now in situ at the intermediate station , Winchcombe , the trackbed has been prepared , and to date over one third of a mile of track has been laid .
25 In popular terms more responsibility for Britain 's lack of international competitiveness has been laid at the door of trade unions than at that of management ; an attitude strongly encouraged by the high political profile which unions have adopted since 1945 .
26 I do not pretend that these notions can do more than offer a way of thinking about the quantum world with some hope of doing justice both to the idiosyncrasy of its ways and also to the beautiful structure of the microworld which has been laid bare by the discoveries of elementary particle physics .
27 Precedent has been laid down that cause for separation lies where a spouse resorts to " unnatural practices " with a third party and , perhaps , where a spouse submits to " indecent liberties " by a person of the opposite or the same sex ( Mogg v.
28 Unlawful sexual intercourse has been laid down ( not , I am reliably informed , quite incontrovertibly , but any fresh interpretation would not be made without considerable legal argument ) as any sexual intercourse outside the lawful state of marriage .
29 With the retirement of Lord Denning , it seems that the issue has been laid to rest for some time , since his successor , Lord Donaldson , and most of the current Lords Justices of Appeal do not appear to share the views of the former Master of the Rolls .
30 The charge that higher education has over a longer period contributed to an anti-industrial ethos among the educated classes in Britain has been laid by Wiener ( 1981 ) and countered in different ways by Sanderson ( 1972 ) who points to manifold examples of involvement with industry , and Shattock ( 1987 ) who tends to lay the blame elsewhere , at the door of government and industry itself .
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