Example sentences of "[pos pn] name down " in BNC.

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1 During the worst period for external conditions of the whole three years the only book I could get hold of ( and then only after putting my name down on a waiting list ) was Somerset Maugham 's enormous Of Human Bondage .
2 A few years earlier a friend and fellow member of Brooks 's , Cyril Salmon , a former Lord Justice of Appeal , had put my name down for election to the Seniors Golfing Society , an English-based club for golfers over the age of fifty-five who met from time to time at a variety of attractive courses .
3 " As a matter of fact , " said Clara , " I did put my name down to do a Dip Ed .
4 About six months earlier I 'd put my name down on the lists of three housing associations , because I was sick of the council houses they were giving me .
5 I 'm not quite sure I 've put my name down
6 However it might be a good idea to put my name down for the ‘ Understanding Racism ’ Course .
7 If so I 'd like to put my name down for West Ham 's lot , they 're a bit tasty .
8 Yeah , I 've got my name down .
9 And all the guys at the back the T T S put my name down for it because they had great hilarity
10 This is when I was pregnant went to put my name down on the housing list and they said to me sorry you ca n't we 've got too many people on there already .
11 And I had my name down for Sue Ryder 's and the Legion and then a vacancy fell due here
12 I got my name down for pink and blue .
13 No do n't wan na put my name down !
14 Yeah , but you 've got my name down there !
15 Can you put my name down ?
16 And if anybody puts my name down they are in big trouble .
17 There 'd better be my name down .
18 Well , you can put my name down for it , maybe at Christmas for a couple of days .
19 Yeah I I what I 'm a bit worried about is whether it 's come to the stage where girls are now scared to put their name down to take home economics at school .
20 Just write it on a memo form Paul and send it round with a circulation slip , and those who feel they want to get involved put their name down , probably the quickest way of doing it .
21 Now the member ship up to nine September nineteen twenty six was between about three and four hundred thousand but usually what happened is that when people would join they , they put their , their name down and it was the whole family joined
22 to , to put reasons why that this does n't mean the it actually means more , and I think to a certain extent there may be justification , some people may have put their name down and meant the whole family
23 erm supporting it , I mean they are just putting their name down so that they can stay out of trouble .
24 I put her name down for the local hospice without her permission , because although she defiantly insisted she did n't want anything to do with it , I thought things might change as she deteriorated .
25 She put her name down to speak in the great debate about the state of the English Faculty that was held in the University Senate ; and in the Cambridge University Reporter for the 18th February , 1981 , occupying a column and a half of small print , sandwiched between contributions from two of the University 's most distinguished professors , you may find Robyn 's impassioned plea for a radical theorization of the syllabus .
26 But ‘ the social worker put her name down for an EMI bed — eventually her name came to the top of the waiting list , and the social worker put her in .
27 Mrs Johnson said ‘ No ! ’ indignantly , and Mrs Stych woke up and checked that the girl had her name down correctly , too .
28 woman might want to slap her name down .
29 Chancellor Kohl can intimidate mavericks in his Christian Democrat party by threatening to move their names down on the electoral list , exposing them to the risk of defeat at the polls .
30 In consequence , many Members who put their names down will have only ill-formed ideas about what they want and it frequently happens that Bills presented are ill-prepared or misconceived .
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