Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] whom " in BNC.

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1 " A member of my department whom I have asked to see if he can help you . "
2 We were great friends , to the exclusion of my sisters whom we considered too young and soppy to take part in our adventurous games .
3 ‘ Bob and Carol are among my friends whom I had very familial feelings for ; it 's like we grew up together , said Nicholson .
4 Simon had n't inherited yet ; the house was entailed of course and as there was no direct male heir ( my being what I am ) it looked as if it were going to some cousin overseas , only later it became known that Mary had had a posthumous son : he 's still a minor — here 's another member of my family whom I have n't met , I seem to have an assortment .
5 It is using its applications engineering resources by offering " a total engine package " to those of its customers whom recession has forced to run down their own development activities .
6 It 's what my friend working in prostitution meant when she said she lost her self-respect when her husband was attracted to her colleague whom she saw as inferior to herself .
7 There were stories of inhuman cruelty everywhere and the Bosnian Serbs showed videos of their people whom they said had been tortured by Moslems and Croats .
8 Holden 's story contains no suspense , while Lucy 's grips the reader totally ; for example she ‘ forgets ’ to inform the reader for six chapters that ‘ Dr. John ’ is in fact her cousin whom she has not seen for ten years !
9 Julia deliberately turned to him to explain the significance of Comfort 's private jokes and fill in the background whenever she mentioned the name of one of their friends whom David could not know .
10 ‘ Freda- through-the-wall ’ was her nickname for her neighbour whom she frequently invited in , particularly when she had to cope with a sticky social situation .
11 People think women who do not want to marry unfeminine , people think women who do want to marry immodest — people combine both opinions by regarding it as unfeminine for women not to look forward longingly to wifehood as the hope and purpose of their lives , and ridiculing and condemning any individual woman of their acquaintance whom they suspect of entertaining such a longing .
12 And mount her pitch whom thou in triumph long
13 He had been wonderful about her family whom he did not pretend to like , never made an issue of her going there and he let her run on about them when she got home .
14 Mrs Huntley sighed ; her brother whom she had loved , but knew to be self-indulgent to a fault , had done his niece real harm by leaving so much of his money away from the girl who had confidently believed herself to be his favourite thing on earth .
15 He was survived by his wife whom he had married in 1833 , and seven children .
16 The weeping aloud of the relatives turns to melancholic songs in the local Quechua dialect , Zacarías Ceonocc Huayhua … sings words of grief to his wife whom he has just recognized . ’
17 ‘ Our information is that Mr Evans left the Club in order to go and see what was delaying the arrival of his wife whom he had been expecting for some time . ’
18 Cos he 's the one that split up with his wife whom I believe
19 President Guillermo Endara on April 8 ousted the Christian Democrats ( PDC ) from his governing coalition , dismissing the five PDC members of his Cabinet whom he accused of " disloyalty and arrogance " .
20 An earlier example posed the case of man whose feelings for his garden far exceeded those for his relations whom he disliked because their brushes with crime offended the respect in which he held the law .
21 For example , John responded to the FUR with the story of his dog whom he loves .
22 The Colonel made a habit of inviting to dinner certain of his friends whom , in his subsequent reports , he would disguise under discreet pseudonyms .
23 Roland was interviewed , out of courtesy he decided , but the job went to Fergus Wolff , whose track record was less consistent , who could be brilliant or bathetic , but never dull and right , who was loved by his teachers whom he exasperated and entranced , where Roland excited no emotion more passionate than solid approbation .
24 To the very last he consulted his own common sense rather than the orders of his doctors whom he detested because they advised him to give up the roast meats that he loved .
25 Mike was on his way home from school when he met his uncle whom he had n't seen for ages .
26 He would fly that night to Damascus with his wife who had once been a dancer and with his children whom he loved .
27 Glam returned to torment his employer whom he blamed for his death ; Thorwall , however , was determined to exorcise Glam and attacked the wraith most savagely , stabbing it with daggers and throwing flaming torches through it .
28 It 's called the ugly duckling , but Mr Summerfield loved it because the woman looked like his mother whom he adored .
29 A former student promoter told me that , when he was unable to pay Dury in cash , ‘ he threatened to have me chain-whipped by one of his companions whom he said had recently been released from prison ’ .
30 ‘ Be assured that if they crown anyone king than your elder son whom they have with them , we will on the day following crown his brother whom you have here with you . ’
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