Example sentences of "[vb mod] be necessary " in BNC.

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1 You must realise that , so we 'd like to know why it should be necessary . ’
2 It did n't have to be colourless , tasteless or odourless , it just had to be got , somehow or other , past Elinor 's front teeth , down her oesophagus and into her digestive system , even if to do so it should be necessary to hold her down and clamp a funnel between her jaws .
3 I think that is wrong ; it should be necessary for someone to have a licence in order to keep animals , including keeping animals on farms .
4 Below these entrances were folding steps , in case it should be necessary to enter or leave the train from track level .
5 ‘ We did n't think , for instance , it should be necessary for umpires to inspect the ball every over in all levels of cricket — that would only waste time .
6 There is no evidence that such goods moved any great distance from their place of:manufacture and no reason why this should be necessary .
7 By adopting an open-ended scale , no downgrading of existing climbs should be necessary .
8 " My dear , in a moment I shall have to call one of the bearers to assist Mr Hopkins with his natural functions in case it should be necessary .
9 It is a difficult question to know how far they merely duplicate the existing common law powers that arise from the obligation imposed upon the police to preserve the peace , which plainly permit the police to give instructions to limit the numbers at a gathering if that should be necessary to prevent an imminent breach of the peace .
10 I do not anticipate that these will be on a very substantial scale and I do not see any reason why it should be necessary to ask Your Majesty to return to London prematurely .
11 It is less immediately evident that such an understanding should be necessary in order to account for the formal properties of code switching , although I would argue strongly that it is , inasmuch as the extent to which switching may take place is in part a function of the extent to which the codes involved have " fused " within a community , i.e. how interchangeable they are for the different purposes of everyday interaction .
12 But in the old liberated areas like say around i i i in theory none of this should be necessary , very little of it should 've been happening .
13 In the heat of the operation is there anything to stop you handing it to one of the other officers if that should be necessary ?
14 The person ( of any age ) must suffer from a mental disorder as defined in the Act and enforced guardianship must be necessary for the welfare of the patient or the protection of others .
15 Now , as Darwin sees it , at this time , for a change to be an adaptation it must be more than merely hereditary and advantageous ; it must be necessary rather than accidental , elicited , that is , by the very conditions that make it advantageous , as albinism sometimes seems to be by cold .
16 For it to be plausible , continual adaptation must be necessary for the maintenance of the life history , just as the Red Queen had to keep running to stay in the same place .
17 But obviously it must be necessary to waive the statutory sectors , versus the non statutory , so it is n't er possible this year , perhaps to put in as we might do if were to be as imprudent as the opposition parties .
18 Its position on abortion itself was hardly ambiguous : the minutes of the Assembly meeting for 1982 point out ‘ [ the Assembly 's ] opposition to abortion on demand for purely social reasons , or as a means of birth control … [ and ] that in exceptional circumstances , where medical abortion might be necessary , the most stringent safeguards should be provided to prevent abuse ’ ( Presbyterian Church in Ireland 1930–86 , General Assembly ( 1982 ) , p. 61 ) .
19 The Carabinieri chief had left at once with a promise of finding the man within the hour , to which he added , sotto voce , a pledge to get the truth out of him by whatever methods might be necessary .
20 Hooliganism involving Dutch supporters has become so frequent as to suggest that another blanket ban of a nation 's clubs might be necessary .
21 Tory MPs were last night angry about the rise in interest rates and expressed fears that a further rise might be necessary .
22 It might be necessary but it was not fun , and nothing would ever be fun again .
23 In an extreme case , it might be necessary to put the playground on the roof .
24 Sometimes we can get a good impression of the player but it might be necessary to take some more shots later in the studio .
25 He said that they would be subject to the same collective discipline , would be able to carry a majority in the Commons and would be able to sustain the short-term unpopularity of some of the decisions that might be necessary to get the economy moving again .
26 It might be necessary to do a deal with the Liberal Democrats to bring in a ‘ variety show of all the talents ’ .
27 So far as teachers are concerned , it might be necessary to tap a pupil on the shoulder to point out that s/he has dropped something on the floor , or to grab hold of a pupil to prevent an assault by that pupil on another .
28 * Westbrook and his collaborators interpreted their results as supporting Wagner 's account of latent inhibition , arguing that prolonged experience of the stimulus in the context might be necessary for the formation of the association on which long-term latent inhibition is held to depend .
29 In the original exposition of the theory , Gibson ( 1940 ) assumed that explicit training , which allowed the formation of associations between stimuli and different distinctive consequences , might be necessary for differentiation to occur .
30 When Donald examined his wire in the last stages of the illness it might be necessary to lead him to a medical textbook and steer those calm , grey eyes in the direction of the chapter headed ‘ The Guillain-Barré Syndrome ’ .
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