Example sentences of "[vb mod] be regarded " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Whether the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or the Stanze of Raphael should be regarded as the culminating effort of modern art , has long been the subject of controversy ’ ; but they both received double asterisks .
2 Under British and West German pressure , however , ministers agreed that even this requirement should be regarded more as a ‘ political objective ’ than a legal obligation ( the non-respect of which would lead to prosecution in the EC Court of Justice ) .
3 ‘ A college education should be regarded as everyone 's birthright . ’
4 In 1940 he wrote of an almost sanctified rural life as something vitally different from the separately developing urban culture which so disturbed him and pleaded that agriculture should be regarded as a vocation , rather than merely an industry , though he pointed out that such a view involved the whole orientation and scheme of values of a future society .
5 If such techniques appear to have been used , the structure should be regarded as suspect , because all reputable Victorian engineers were aware of the risks of making connections by these methods .
6 Very probably at least some of these patinated bronzes should be regarded as legitimate copies rather than as fakes , rather as today the British Museum produces and sells resin copies of some of the more famous antiquities .
7 The degree of risk created by the bad driving should be regarded as the crucial factor ; it is not so much a question of whether the sentence should be more severe when the risk eventuates , as whether the sentence should be more lenient when the risk does not materialize .
8 One disputed point is whether words alone can constitute an assault : the preponderance of authority is probably that mere words , unaccompanied by any threatening conduct , can not amount to an assault , but if the point of the offence is to penalize the creation of fear of imminent attack , it is difficult to see why utterances such as ‘ Get out the knives ’ or ‘ Let's hit them ’ should be regarded more indulgently than a raised hand .
9 Therefore , the monastic reforms should be regarded at least as much in the light of co-operation as of combat between king and aristocracy .
10 All allegations should be regarded as serious , especially those made by close relatives , friends or neighbours , or by children or parents referring themselves for help , and investigated urgently ( p.21 ) .
11 Walter Kauzmann , in a perceptive preface to his book on quantum mechanics , argues that chemical quantum mechanics should be regarded as a language rather than as a tool .
12 Rather than fall back on an increased emphasis upon managerialism based upon hierarchy and control , the Education Reform Acts should be regarded as an opportunity to review , not just in a coping way but in a maximising way , the management structures and processes of our schools .
13 This should be regarded as a reductio ad absurdum of the presupposition of Rawls ' theory of justice and especially the assumption of the overriding goal to reach a doctrine of justice at whatever cost to one 's conception of the good .
14 In April 1990 a new system of Independent Taxation was introduced , following longstanding criticism of the assumption that a woman 's income should be regarded as part of her husband 's for tax purposes .
15 In other words , active citizenship should be regarded as a supplement to , not as a substitute for , the citizenship of entitlement .
16 Although it was more economical to use living organisms to produce penicillin , and also streptomycin , there was no fundamental reason why antibiotics should be regarded differently from drugs made in a laboratory or industrial plant by chemical processes .
17 As my colleague N.K. Humphrey neatly summed up an earlier draft of this chapter ; ‘ … memes should be regarded as living structures , not just metaphorically but technically .
18 If Darwin 's theory can be sub-divided into components , such that some people believe component A but not component B , while others believe B but not A , then A and B should be regarded as separate memes .
19 Or perhaps , as I speculated on page 182 , all ‘ own ’ chromosomal genes should be regarded as mutually parasitic on one another .
20 Except in regions of very low rainfall April should be regarded as the safest month for sowing herbage seeds .
21 Any problems with drains should be regarded as a major defect and the details passed on to your solicitor .
22 The fate map should be regarded rather like a train timetable — it tells you only what will normally happen .
23 Appointment or re-appointment over the age of 65 should be regarded as exceptional and should only be offered if equally suitable younger candidates are not available . ’
24 Here , then , we have the most obvious , the most important , opportunity for bridge-building , so obvious and important in fact that , in my view — and here I echo a judgment of Stephen Clark 's which in times past I fiercely denied — an individual 's or organisation 's position on ‘ meat-eating ’ , so-called , should be regarded as the decisive litmus test of their moral credibility .
25 However , if you are carrying out skin-brushing ( which does almost the same job ) , the following simple self-massage sequence will be extremely beneficial and should be regarded as an important ally in any campaign against cellulite .
26 Fishing for predatory bream with imitation or real fish should be regarded as an opportunist method to be employed when you happen to see bream chasing fry , or when you have tried all conventional methods and failed ; or simply when you fancy your chances with a fish bait .
27 Perhaps smacking should be regarded as a last resort and even then as something of a failure in communication between parent and child .
28 These efforts should be regarded as exciting explorations and attempts to show the beauty that throngs around us , both within the senses and outside of them .
29 Mirth is close to creativity for to see the absurd in something is to twist reality around in a way creative thought is fashioned — a good jest is a delight and should be regarded as much more than just a bit of frivolity .
30 This reiterated the belief , common among all those concerned with the youth question , that ‘ adolescence ’ should be regarded as a period of education , supervision , control , and guidance .
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