Example sentences of "[vb mod] be kept " in BNC.

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1 Just pinch them off and plant in seed compost , which should be kept barely moist in a bright , warm place .
2 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
3 Firstly , all equipment should be bought and owned by specific members of the band , and all purchase invoices should be kept .
4 Another , related , charge against the players is that in their dress violations they — again like the ‘ street ’ transvestites — transgressed the natural and fixed order of things by wilfully confusing distinctions which it was thought imperative should be kept distinct , especially within the categories of rank , class , and gender .
5 This caused disquiet amongst Colonial officials and prompted Creech Jones , the Colonial Secretary in the later years of the Labour government , to circulate a memorandum to the Cabinet in early 1947 in which he said : ‘ I know full well how important it is that our overseas payments should be kept as low as they possibly can be , but I can not believe that this justifies a course which is contrary to our declared policy in regard both to Colonial and to commercial matters and contrary also to the policy which has long been pursued by the Labour Party . ’
6 Equally important is the distinction Marx repeatedly draws between the occurrence of small-scale ‘ domestic ’ slavery and whole societies based on the exploitation of slaves , such as was the case for Greece and Rome , and the insistence that these two cases should be kept separate .
7 He said part of it should be kept as a monument .
8 There was also general agreement that logistic stocks and infrastructure on the far side of the barrier should be kept to a minimum — a principle that was easier to propound than fulfil .
9 All these products should be kept under refrigeration unless , like some members of the Frankfurter family , they are preserved in a jar or can .
10 They are all cold-pressed virgin oils and should be kept in the dark and refrigerated after opening to prevent them from becoming rancid .
11 The animal should be kept on its belly , with as much of the body as possible covered with damp blankets or sheets to prevent the sun 's rays from burning the sensitive skin .
12 For this reason , many in the seventeenth century would have said that such knowledge , together with knowledge of undoubted moral principles , such as that promises should be kept , is innate .
13 Furthermore , when Joseph explained to his brothers the purposes of God that had been running through the events they had been caught up in , he used terms recalling the promises of Genesis 12 : ‘ … you meant evil against me ; but God meant it for good , to bring it about that many people should be kept alive , as they are today ’ ( 50.20 ; see , too , 45.4–11 ) .
14 It was horrible , and I 'm sorry it happened , but it should be kept in some kind of perspective . ’
15 Pot-grown fuchsias in the greenhouse should be kept cool through judicious ventilation .
16 In principle , platform numbers should be kept to an absolute minimum .
17 All Mr Landor and the other lodgers cared about was that their rooms should be kept clean and their food brought on time , and she was expert at both .
18 In 1305 he found it expedient to issue an Ordinance of the Forest recognizing the disafforestments already carried out , but he declared that the inhabitants of such districts had forfeited their rights of common within the forest , and that the royal demesne should be kept in statu quo .
19 WE must appreciate that we can learn from overseas players , and I believe that the paying spectator should be kept interested and that new support should be chased .
20 Tourists should have to sign a declaration that they are healthy and will leave Britain if a chronic disease is diagnosed and if they are treated their passports should be kept until their fees are paid .
21 Although the Cup is run under the banner of yacht clubs , the sailing fraternity should be kept to ceremonial , courtesy and race duties , and corporate professionals should run the business side of the event .
22 Whilst the latter is not always possible it should be kept in mind .
23 The Plowden Report recommended that ‘ Schools with an age range of 5–11 should usually have at least three classes , each covering two age ranges ’ , but by 1976 Lady Plowden , the chairman of the Committee producing the report , appeared to have altered her views , stating in a Border Television broadcast : ‘ Since the report I have come round to thinking that small country schools should be kept open because of the social value and because of the continuity of community involvement they provide . ’ )
24 Armed with a decade of research results , Sweden and Norway proposed that the weight of sulphur falling in rain or dust on each square metre should be kept at less than half a gram ( 0.5 g/S/m² ; or 5 kg per hectare ) .
25 An offset coupling is sometimes needed : these are simply turned to achieve the desired effect of connecting higher , lower or a little to one side — particularly important with a standard washdown assembly , where the flush pipe should be kept straight .
26 It is essential that the Security Service should be kept absolutely free from political bias or influence and nothing should be done that might lend colour to any suggestion that it is concerned with the interests of any particular section of the community , or with any other matter than the Defence of the Realm as a whole .
27 The NUT , reporting to the Younger Committee on Privacy in 1972 , proposed that reports about a child 's misbehaviour should be kept from parents and that information on the pupil or his home background ‘ which might be gleaned from hearsay or possibly based on malicious gossip ’ should not be kept on a permanent record .
28 The calendar , with dates of school holidays clearly marked , takes up the central panel of the sheet , around the edge are further panels containing information about staff , governors , PTA , emergency contacts , useful phone numbers and how long children should be kept off school for mumps , measles and other common childhood illnesses .
29 It believed politics should be kept out of aid work and that any relief of suffering was beneficial .
30 Formal monitoring should commence with an inspection of cleaning/disinfection standards , immediately preceding the trial , a record of which should be kept .
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