Example sentences of "[vb mod] not allow " in BNC.

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1 In a multicultural society , we must not allow our idolatry of art and literature to obscure issues of immense social and political significance .
2 But given its setting , we must not allow ourselves to be blinded by Abraham 's bravery , nor , when we read of the resounding success of his venture , by his military prowess .
3 Governors should control the money with this end in view and must not allow their thinking to become dominated by financial concerns .
4 For the Evening Standard of 2 April , Baker penned a piece on ‘ Why we must not allow our tolerance to be abused ’ .
5 He had gauged this wrong , he must not allow her to report his having slighted the place .
6 The government must not allow the streets of the city to be invaded by kids . ’
7 Whatever our views on divorce , or of the rights and wrongs in the individual case , we must not allow our own values to override these efforts .
8 And similarly we must not allow ourselves to look for something below that practice on which we can ground the feeling that the practice is going on in an objectively correct way .
9 ‘ Booksellers must not allow these new markets to pass into other hands , ’ he said .
10 It is appreciated that you may , through no fault of your own , experience difficulty in returning corrected tests promptly but you must not allow a backlog of unmarked tests to accumulate .
11 She nodded slightly , wordlessly , aware somehow that she must not speak , must not allow the spell to be broken .
12 During the journey home she sat pondering this fact , at the same time realising she must not allow her thoughts to become emotionally involved with this devastating man .
13 His words gave her a slight shock as they sent tingles of pleasure through her , but she knew she must not allow them to go to her head , so she pushed them aside as she uttered a light laugh and said , ‘ Me — an angel ?
14 I share the belief of my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister , which he reiterated yesterday , that convergence is important , but we must not allow total convergence to be an absolute precondition for further steps towards economic and monetary union , for that could be used as an excuse for never-never progress .
15 The chairman must not allow the discussion to wander into other subjects unless there is a direct relevance .
16 Current records managers and archivists must not allow the limits of their imagination to constrain the kinds of information they preserve because historians may wish to tap a wide range of possible sources to build up different views of the past .
17 The National Council advised the Bristol conference of the League of 1935 : We must not allow ourselves to be diverted into activities definitely condemned by the Labour Party which will jeopardize our affiliation to and influence in the Party .
18 She must not allow thoughts of Jake to disturb her and upset her precious peace of mind .
19 Must not allow her senses any room to manoeuvre .
20 We must not allow Ipswich to widen the Lennie Lawrence Blackburn are virtually home and dry for the championship , but the challenge of Ipswich could leave Boro chasing a play-off spot .
21 We must not allow Ipswich to widen the gap . ’
22 The SNP must not allow itself to be bullied by Labour in the stramash over the Commons vote .
23 I should do something now , because perhaps it was for want of normal company that Eleanor Thorne lay until her mind turned the corner into madness and final decay , I should go out , I should not allow myself to brood , to carry out my sister 's peculiar whims and defer to the judgments she passes upon me .
24 It must be observed that the point of the mother 's stories was not that Daphne should embrace her sister shepherdesses in a sapphic idyll , but , very simply , that she should not allow herself to be seduced .
25 The inspector should not allow himself to be led , often with the best of intentions , by people proud to show off the area .
26 While you can substitute another activity for one the patient wants to abandon , you should not allow him to stop and do nothing .
27 I would simply suggest that we should not allow either sentimentality or a genuine concern for retaining decentralized powers in general to distract us from the major , and separate , task of attempting to determine a common policy for all education at all stages in the future .
28 If you have made a choice and are happy with it , then it is no one else 's concern and you should not allow yourself to suffer from externally-imposed guilt .
29 I made a vow that I should not allow my children to look at Shakespeare until adolescence .
30 And he entrusted to the curator that he should not allow sale of certain land but [ the foster-child ] should enjoy its income together with his nurses , Sempronia and Maevia .
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