Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] lead " in BNC.

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1 The making of a bankruptcy order may effectively lead to a professional no longer being able to practise in his or her profession , and therefore all possibility of income generation would be lost .
2 The French national policy of encouraging younger people into farming may slowly lead to changing attitudes as older , more traditional ways fade .
3 If the stock level is consistently too low , lost sales may eventually lead to lost jobs .
4 Fourthly , the pressures and experience of practice may eventually lead practitioners to condense — in psychological terms to ‘ chunk ’ — the decision-making process to such an extent that it appears from the outside to become a matter of intuition , flair , or artistry .
5 This may eventually lead to iii Deliberate segregation within an integrated unit , where a policy decision is made to pay special attention to the needs of the dementing within a sub-unit iv Positive segregation .
6 Ironically , though Sweeney appears to promise a way out , he may only lead the sensitive reader back into the circle of sexual-religious speculations .
7 And the depth of his ideological commitment to maintaining Israel 's hold over the West Bank rules out any acceptance of the principle that negotiations should eventually lead to an exchange of land for peace .
8 In a Christian response to conflict , the embrace of right doctrine should eventually lead to right action .
9 This should obviously lead to an improvement in the situation but regardless of the size of the corpus there will always be some transitions that are not found .
10 He had failed to gain a scholarship to St. Paul 's and one assumes that his father decided that his son 's lack of ambition and apparent aimlessness about a career did not justify the money spent on a schooling that should naturally lead to Oxford or Cambridge , and thereafter to the Civil Service .
11 At trick two you cash the Ace of Diamonds and thereafter the defence can not dare to lead Diamonds and must always lead another suit at you any time they are on lead .
12 Incitement to murder , by people living nominally under a country 's law , should automatically lead to arrest .
13 It should also lead you to ask another vital check question : Exactly how much time have I got for the presentation ?
14 The benefits of scale , coupled with the end of ‘ wasteful ’ competition ( eg duplicated research and development expenditure ) should also lead to a more efficient industry .
15 If symptoms and cognitive function were not dissociable then clozapine , noted for improving symptoms , should also lead to improvements in cognitive function .
16 Clear and up-to-date development plan policies should also lead to a reduction in the number of speculative applications and in the success rate of appeals against local authorities .
17 Although Cold War ideology and initial public ignorance in the West of the horrific power of nuclear weapons at first muted the public pressures behind a renewed expression of the unacceptability of indiscriminate means of warfare , the growth of the popular movement for peace over the past twenty-five years and especially in its recent phase must now lead to a reaffirmation of the principle and its application to nuclear weapons .
18 Unless the Soviet military intervenes , self-determination must surely lead to reunification .
19 Second , these principles should then lead us on a successful search for phenomena that we had not observed previously .
20 the study of management should then lead to the development of certain principles of good management , which will be of value when put into practice .
21 Finally , SCOTVEC will be approached to award SVQ Validation to the modular conversion course , which should then lead to tax concessions being available to all companies taking part .
22 A good deal of money and effort is therefore going into study of the human factor , which should ultimately lead to further reduction of accidents and risk .
23 Although there are some hopeful signs of recovery in the US market which should ultimately lead to improvements elsewhere , there seems little prospect that world market conditions will be easier in 1993 than in 1992 .
24 This is simply explained since both bleomycin and DNase I cleave double stranded DNA ; bleomycin cleavage of GT on one strand must therefore lead to protection of AC on the opposite strand .
25 Increased competition should certainly lead to greater levels of efficiency , so long as the competition does not destabilise the financial system , and the new regulatory system is designed to allow competition to increase whilst improving on investor protection .
26 The worthy objective of ‘ normalization ’ should therefore lead to the implementation of care practices and procedural policies which are appropriate for those with mental disorders and it should not be applied in a rigid and obsessive fashion .
27 Intensive and uncontrolled fishing in Russia 's Far Eastern seas may soon lead to the total exhausation of fish stocks , according to the Russian procurator-general 's office .
28 Any subsequent slowdown in out-migration may thus lead to natural growth as this group remains in the city to start a family
29 But your circumstances are precarious , and may easily lead you into unhappiness .
30 The underlying structure of the discourse may be a progression of functional units , and a breakdown in pragmatic interpretation may easily lead to a learner losing his or her way .
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