Example sentences of "[subord] i shall " in BNC.

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1 When the time comes , I know exactly where I shall hide : ‘ far from the madding crowd ’ .
2 Then I became a vagrant and travelled far and nowhere ; now I have come back to be near Callanish again , though quite where I shall go I do n't know .
3 For it 's time they saw more of me in the south , Iago , where I shall not be expected .
4 Do n't you tell me again you ai n't got a fella 'cause I sha n't believe you . ’
5 I want to take seriously the suggestion that the sort of inquiry that Quine has in mind could be the heir to traditional epistemology — although I shall not restrict the concerns of the latter to studying the relation of evidence to theory .
6 As these appear as themes threaded through the discussion it may be useful to identify them here , although I shall return to them at the end of the chapter .
7 Although I shall cricitize this theory of responsibility below , we should next complete this outline of choice theories by examining how they deal with the question of what kinds of obligation should the state enforce .
8 Fortunately I suffered no serious illness as a result of my terrible experience in the red room , although I shall never forget that night .
9 ‘ After I 've examined your ankle for damage , put a crêpe bandage round it if necessary , and discussed my proposed project a little further , you may certainly phone for a cab if you wish , although I shall be happy to drive you back myself at that stage . ’
10 I shall refer briefly to one of the matters touched on by the hon. Gentleman , although I shall not speak on it for as long as I had intended , because the hon. Gentleman made wide-ranging reference to it himself , I congratulate him on that .
11 I want to be helpful , although I shall not stand as a referee between the two Front Bench teams .
12 During the debate , I shall obviously be referring to matters that come within my hon. Friend 's remit , although I shall also be speaking about some of the important issues relating to regional economic and industrial policy which fall within the remit of the Department of Trade and Industry .
13 ( Although I shall have no shame in highlighting some of the best brews from down south in future . )
14 " You 've got some weight coming and that 's more than I shall ever have . "
15 Unhappily to record , this note of approval is not struck uniformly throughout the Diaries which describe , in more detail than I shall seek to emulate , my participation in the famous ‘ pay beds ’ negotiations .
16 Belle and I floored another hen betwixt the pair of us , and I shall be no sooner done with the present writing racket than I shall put myself outside a pint of Guinness .
17 Bartram had insisted that this differed from the candleberry , Myrica cerifera , while Miller had found other authors ranging it with the Liquidambar , ‘ so I shall be much obliged to you , if you can send me a perfect specimen , that I may determine its proper genus . ’
18 But , as I said , it 's a two seater so I shall ask Yanto to come with me . ’
19 His conclusion on behalf of the Liberal Party was that the new Clause was ‘ substantially defective ’ , that if it was limited to ‘ prohibition on promoting homosexuality by teaching or by publishing material I would support it , but it is not , so I shall not support it . ’
20 The examples are too numerous to quote , so I shall confine myself to two .
21 'l I have already emphasised the importance of control and independence as factors in the anorexic process , so I shall now quote Erikson to illustrate the relation between emptiness and being left alone , and the relevance of both to anorexia nervosa :
22 That can not be compromised in any way so I shall still be as hard as ever in the ring . ’
23 USAAF memorials have received much coverage in Fly/Past so I shall only mention a few .
24 USAAF memorials have received much coverage in Fly/Past so I shall only mention a few .
25 I confess to not being in a position to bring his painstaking research into question so I shall confine myself to what is set before me .
26 Clever research design could sort out some of the confounded variables , so I shall add to the possibilities a speculation arising from my point about habituation .
27 If I were pedantic I would have to exclude it from my description of the Basque country , because Sauveterre is definitely a Béarnais and not a Basque town ; but it is close to the edge of Basse-Navarre , and worth a visit , so I shall rope it in here .
28 The door — which I had to unlock — is only a few steps down-spiral from the turret , so I shall be visiting often .
29 So I shall , Bob , ’ said Dyson irritably , ‘ if I make a success of this and begin to make a name for myself .
30 I do not want my family harmed or my gallery burned down , so I shall not say who they are .
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