Example sentences of "[v-ing] her face " in BNC.

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1 Silencing her with a hand enveloping her face , I half-lifted her and so we entered the cave , the girl struggling furiously .
2 ‘ I was picturing her face when I said I was seeing you this evening . ’
3 Lucenzo was beside her in an instant , his hands cradling her face with the tenderness of a lover .
4 One hand came up , cradling her face as he slanted his mouth over hers , softening the demand and yet deepening the kiss with a tender seduction that was as devastating as his initial urgency .
5 Wynne-Jones ignored her worried look and continued to touch her , cradling her face in his hands and touching her lips with his fingers .
6 Back in the dressing-room she slumped into a chair , spent with exhaustion , cradling her face in her hands as she propped her elbows on the table .
7 " No , it does n't bother me , " Katherine said , keeping her face impassive .
8 Folly struggled against it , clutching at the thread of normality his explanation offered and resolutely keeping her face towards the centre of the tub .
9 But she did n't let him see , keeping her face as unresponsive as if she wore her mask still .
10 An hour later she was keeping it , sharing the small lift with him , keeping her face averted from the complacent look that painted his prepossessing face with an irritating blandness .
11 ‘ I really am all right now , ’ Isabel insisted quietly , keeping her face lowered .
12 The rats got to her face , and she screamed inside herself , pressing her face to the bolster .
13 It 's too much , too much , she thought , pressing her face against John 's .
14 The woman cried out , and sagged against the man holding her , pressing her face against his arm .
15 In the wheelchair was a woman , wearing a deep-crowned , wide-brimmed green felt hat , obscuring her face , and a paisley silk scarf at the throat of a caped loden coat .
16 Twisting her face away from that steady regard , she stared unseeingly into the hot blue distance , glad of her hat to pull over her eyes .
17 Checking her face in the glass , Comfort smiled in satisfaction .
18 She stands by the window , checking her face in the silver compact .
19 She could feel him patting her face .
20 ‘ Aye , ’ agreed Laura , a smile brightening her face .
21 Hastily averting her face , she stared blindly down .
22 ‘ I 'm going to bed , ’ she muttered , averting her face so that he would not see the heated flush that stained her cheeks .
23 She felt the beginning sting of tears in her eyes , and she shook her head wildly , averting her face from him .
24 Then , glancing up and seeing her face , unexpectedly got up , as quick and full of energy as he had just been lethargic ( but it was the energy of anger ) and came out with her into the hall , where Philip , frail as a leaf , was standing by the great dark-grey water tank .
25 He flexed his hands under the cloth , and shouted irritably at Rosa , ‘ You 'll never make a city woman , thank God , ’ and then , seeing her face fall , wondered at it .
26 ‘ As for Rose … ’ she shivered , and Dr Neil , seeing her face change , said abruptly ,
27 In spite of everything , her mind kept returning to Antoinette — seeing her face as it had been during their last confrontation in Monpazier , twisted with bitterness and hate .
28 A. ( touching her face ) Because if someone 's black , if you touch them in the face you might think your face might get black .
29 He lifted himself on to one elbow , looking down at her ; a finger of light from the street-lamp outside crept between the curtains , touching her face .
30 Suddenly , it was not enough that he was touching her face .
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