Example sentences of "[v-ing] to bring about " in BNC.

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1 Ever enthusiastic , a similar report followed the following week speaking of the untiring energy of the Committee and so on , and including the following paragraph — ‘ Of course , there have been those pessimistic folk about who have done all in their power to discourage those who have been endeavouring to bring about this deserved end , and have scoffed at the idea of ever raising the amount of money necessary .
2 The first is that in which movements such as the democratic movement and the labour movement in Europe , the women 's suffrage movement and independence movements in colonial territories at a later time , or present-day movements in autocratic states , provide the only effective means for expressing grievances and seeking to bring about political changes .
3 Research has markedly redressed the unfounded and ill-wishing treatment of it dished out by the zealots seeking to bring about the hardened approach to poverty eventually enacted in the harsh workhouse-based act of 1834 .
4 In the strict or dictionary sense The Lord of the Rings evades that concept totally , for according to the OED ‘ defeatism ’ is a straight borrowing from French défaitisme , recorded in English for the first time in 1918 and meaning ‘ Conduct tending to bring about acceptance of defeat , esp .
5 Change , whether it be in the curriculum , in assessment , in the relationship between school and community , in resource management or in any other area of school , can not be managed effectively ( in anything other than the short term ) without also making appropriate changes to the management structures and processes which are actually attempting to bring about the substantive developments .
6 The various items offered in the pack have been chosen to reflect the concept of the Church attempting to bring about a renewal in society .
7 A closer look at the bourgeoisie , in terms of their social background , relationships with other classes and political opinions , lends support to the argument that , in practice , they are not the class that is going to bring about radical change .
8 Self-understanding is not in itself going to bring about changes , but it can be half the battle in recognizing what is happening early enough and encouraging you to do something about it .
9 Erm , we need to know what the position is now , and where we want to be , so , a lot of the influence is going , what change the influence is going to bring about .
10 But , we always thought then that it was going to bring about the end of all these things and result in a future where
11 For many general managers , the key to their own success was either how to involve doctors and obtain co-operation or how to overcome intransigence from doctors when trying to bring about change .
12 An argument then develops , with Louis , always the mediator , desperately trying to bring about calm and reason .
13 The Jockey Club believes that in the long term Sunday racing without cash betting is impractical and it is resigned to trying to bring about a change in the legislation by a private members ' bill .
14 And secondly it helps to combat the unconscious drift from inevitable professional limitation to guilt-inducing personal inadequacy which the injunctions , like unseen magnets , are trying to bring about .
15 However , I hope I am not so complacent that I am unable to acknowledge the difficulties of trying to bring about change .
16 US parties are , by comparison , broken-backed organizations incapable of fulfilling the functions performed by parties elsewhere and providing relatively little assistance to a president trying to bring about public policy change .
17 Anybody trying to bring about a major transformation in a science must direct attention to the facts as he sees them : to a herbalist in the tradition of Culpeper it was an important fact that a particular herb was collected under a waxing or a waning moon ; for one of Liebig 's pupils analysing it this was not a relevant fact at all .
18 It will be a matter for each national Government to play their part in trying to bring about those objectives .
19 It seems that in this respect the governors themselves considered the appraisal principally from the point of view of trying to bring about improvements for the school .
20 Like with the previous meeting , the accountability aspect of the appraisal seemed to be underplayed and the governors considered the appraisal from the perspective of trying to bring about improvements in the school , and to make a special case to the authority to facilitate improvement by making available additional resources .
21 There 's still no news from the talks in London which are trying to bring about an end to the ambulance dispute .
22 Bob works relentlessly for one purpose ; that his music could change mankind 's thinking to bring about unity among the races , and more so for the oppressed people .
23 Nature was seen as a process of strife between divine cosmic powers and demoniacal chaotic powers in which humans were not just spectators but were obliged to play an active part in helping to bring about the required phenomena by acting in full unison with nature .
24 In offering children a range of materials , with a range of quality , the teacher , librarian , or parent is helping to bring about discerning , entertained , and informed young readers : young people equipped and encouraged to evaluate and to question .
25 And he did n't forget the man he had beaten , and to whom he acknowledged America owed a debt : ‘ I want all of you to join with me tonight in expressing our gratitude to President Bush for his lifetime of public service , for the effort he made from the time he was a young soldier in the second world war , to helping to bring about an end to the Cold War , to our victory in the Gulf War , to the grace with which he conceded the results of this election tonight in the finest American tradition . ’
26 Such ‘ dangerous tendencies ’ could undermine the achievement of the summit in helping to bring about the demilitarisation of international relations .
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