Example sentences of "[v-ing] simply that " in BNC.

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1 Most significantly , the Iraqi tape had represented her as saying simply that the US " has no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts like your border disagreement with Kuwait " , whereas , she now stated , she had insisted that the dispute must be settled " in a non-violent manner " .
2 They 're keeping quiet at the moment saying simply that they 've invested a lot in new technology and models , and their cars are doing well against others in the country .
3 Demonstrations of context-specificity do not in themselves establish the correctness of this view as they can be readily interpreted as showing simply that the effects of pre-exposure interfere less with acquisition when conditioning takes place in different context .
4 In addition to showing simply that the factors occurred together , Weber was also able to show that there was an understandable connection between the Calvinists ' beliefs and their actions .
5 The genius of the Council of Chalcedon , in saying that Jesus is one person in both divine and human natures , was that it denied that the incarnation implied anything about the nature of God ( the meaning of ‘ God ’ ) , asserting simply that God , the mystery of Creation , is become a human being — not a divine kind of human being but a human kind of human being .
6 All the information about an object is stored on the computer within what is called a hierarchical database , meaning simply that the information is broken down from broad categories such as ‘ geography ’ into more specific ones such as ‘ continent ’ , ‘ country ’ , ‘ region ’ and so on .
7 This type of product is just one example of what we call ‘ Human Electronics ’ , meaning simply that people come first .
8 He need not claim that there are two words and in English , one meaning simply that both conjuncts are true , the other having the same meaning plus a notion of sequentiality .
9 People abandoned hope that things would get better , fearing simply that change at the top would mean change at the bottom — for the worse .
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