Example sentences of "[v-ing] and hoping " in BNC.

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1 But the Chancellor may be looking and hoping further ahead , to Friday 's US employment report and the possibility that a bit of a dollar rebound might haul the pound up against the mark .
2 It did n't stop her hoping , waiting and hoping , for the next five years , he wrote , wasting her life when it was obvious he had no intention of going through with it .
3 The press , who had been alerted by an anonymous call to Reuters the previous day by one of the assassins , were out in force , waiting and hoping to get an exclusive of an assassination , or at least an attempted assassination , for the morning papers .
4 ‘ Well , if you must know , that I 'm just waiting and hoping for the chance to marry you some day . ’
5 There were moments when the sun almost burst through the mist and I kept on driving , waiting and hoping for a first glimpse of the cordillera , my mind groping for some answer to the enigma of Iris Sunderby 's behaviour .
6 I have probably saved you from years of frustration , waiting and hoping for someone good enough to come along and kill the one I have taken from you . ’
7 Current boss Ray Hankin is waiting and hoping he will land the job on a permanent basis .
8 It could have been Hick holding together a Worcestershire innings — and that is exactly what England have been waiting and hoping for from the man who had completed 57 first-class hundreds before he was 25 .
9 Why , then , did she find herself shaking and hoping that the tread would continue past her door ?
10 In the last month before war was declared , families who were still on the waiting list for places on the Kindertransporte , but knew they had little chance of moving up the queue , took to waiting at the main rail stations , watching and hoping .
11 Roxburgh felt that Nicol , as an integral part of a superb club side , had difficulty in realising his potential in the wider arena , but ‘ you keep hoping and hoping , because you know he has it to give . ’
12 In fact , he was telling me only the other week , about the the number of criminals that he knows , they 're serving their they 're serving sentences , and they 're only one thing they 're longing and hoping for , it is get out , so they can knock another old lady down ,
13 From anywhere else it 's a choice of hitting and hoping or laying-up near the opening Braid built in as an option .
14 Those who are working and hoping , however feebly , to encompass the lives of boys and girls with wholesome atmosphere must know that in regard to sexuality two factors stand out .
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