Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] times " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The one thing I learned is that no one does any building during times of political instability . ’
2 From the point of view of finding its Laplace transform , a unit rectangular pulse may be conveniently regarded as the difference between two unit steps occurring at times and as shown in figure 11.5(b) .
3 With age , these colours fade , the black becoming grey over a beige/green background , but then returning at times of aggression and display , which are quite regular .
4 Eden cracked under the strains of Suez , and his Foreign Secretary , Selwyn Lloyd , came close to cracking at times .
5 This blind adherence to ancient beliefs dating from times when all nature was a mystery and man 's efforts to penetrate the enigma of his beginnings quite beyond his mental capacity , is even more difficult to understand when viewed in the light of his advances along all other frontiers of knowledge .
6 The third source of signals , autonomic nervous activities , was first noticed by Darwin , although their nervous control was not then known ; he instanced shivering at times of fear in humans .
7 Lessingham began his story deliberately , pausing at times to take gulps of the wine .
8 She even de-sexualises her figures in order to emphasise these spiritual qualities , making them fairly androgynous looking at times , although they retain enough of a feminine aspect to make them clearly women .
9 Although the book was gripping , it was confusing at times and some events seemed detached from the story .
10 Quiet and conscientious , and operating at times under extreme duress and sometimes forced to make crucial decisions about his patients , he sought neither reward nor publicity for his work .
11 Keith is quite convinced that with the continuing improvement being made , the North Norfolk Railway 's success will carry on growing as times passes on .
12 What are you going to times it by ?
13 God , one 's thoughts need subbing at times !
14 Heaven forbid , but the urge to shoehorn into the calendar as much of it as possible continues unabated , leading at times to brain-numbing events such as the three-match Pakistan versus England knockabout immediately after the World Cup — which was a bit like lighting the cigar after a five-course a la carte dinner , then having the waiter arrive with a tureen of porridge .
15 It 's discouraging at times .
16 But more than that , it gave a sense of tension , amounting at times to menace — which was , perhaps , what shocked those urbane Parisians .
17 I was obliged to assist him to the easy chair towards the window , so that he could sit upright , for his coughing was agonising at times .
18 When attempting to establish a long ley , the greatest care should therefore be taken to limit grazing and treading to times of good weather and soil conditions .
19 from you and , and I was looking at that and ticking boxes and I was , I was almost not listening to what you were saying at times .
20 She can be domineering at times and she wanted her own way , ’ he said .
21 The twentieth century may seem threatening at times for someone with these problems , but at least you are not likely to be struck down in your prime by cholera , smallpox or bubonic plague , and there is little risk of being eaten by lions .
22 In this final session Margaret was encouraged to explore possible ways of coping at times of further crises .
23 The history of the whole of the Church shows that having been full to overflowing in times of crisis , in times of war for example .
24 PLUTONIUM , more than any other element in the periodic table , is capable of arousing strong public emotion , bordering at times on hysterical fear and loathing .
25 As the former had a habit of overflowing at times when carelessly topped up it was not long before the bridge deck , lower deck and surrounding fittings were stained a delicate shade of blue .
26 Perhaps at night they shared them , talking of times long past .
27 We can not directly relate bidirectional reflectance and biomass except when biomass changes independently of LAI , e.g. leaf thickening at times of high LAI , or , more commonly , when biomass is linearly related to LAI .
28 Still , the tensions a-building within a maturing cadet begged for venting at times .
29 So brace yourself for events which may seem puzzling at times , but which will eventually straighten themselves out , although they may leave you in an exhausted state .
30 This ensured that individual diamonds of any size were liable to have long and sometimes dramatic histories , reflecting at times the rise and fall of empires or the end of dynasties .
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