Example sentences of "[v-ing] [conj] providing " in BNC.

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1 Some such concept is required to explain why different individuals reach different solutions in diagnosing and providing remedies for particular situations .
2 For we have already seen that there is no reason why , along with the mature elements of the superego which serve the interests of adjustment to reality , immature , primitive elements should not also become externalized in those aspects of the state which represent it as nurturing , protecting and providing some measure of wish fulfilment for the most regressive desires .
3 The stimulating article Some library costs and options by Brown ( an economist ) concludes ‘ it seems to be worth acquiring and providing storage for , books likely to be wanted more often than , once in about 1.7 years over a long period ’ .
4 The charity still continues but as well as maintaining and providing extras for the school , grants are given for further education or books .
5 As noted above , the proposals for securing and providing services involve an ‘ internal market ’ .
6 Schools will be able to buy a reading scheme which will take all their children from non-reader to fluent reader with the computer directing and providing the child 's learning activities .
7 The child is given drinks throughout the night to increase the probability of urinating and providing a lot of opportunities to practise .
8 Steve will then er arrange one of the days the most convenient to himself and Mr , and since Lynn and Peter are able to accommodate eith any of those three dates , we 'll circulate to other councillors er if anybody else is interested in commenting or providing information .
9 The advent of more examples of non-medical clinical directors may well reduce this concern , as will the development of specific service contracts where each group will have committed to buying or providing an agreed package of care and support .
10 So it 's very important that if we do n't get erm visitors coming into the country from overseas that we perhaps erm help the industry , the industry helps itself indeed by giving and providing holidays for people from this country .
11 Gradualism had failed to secure the collaboration of masters or their agents in educating or providing religious instruction for the slaves .
12 The Scotch Whisky Industry has taken a lead in establishing company policies for identifying and providing treatment for employees with alcohol problems .
13 One might write at some length on the implications of libidinal fixation in the ways in which people regard and handle finance ( the interested reader is recommended to the work of Freudian and neo-Freudian writers in this respect ) while the symbolic connection of financial success and power with sexual puissance and virility , or the part which is played by earning and providing in terms of masculine role-fulfilment , will be reasonably evident .
14 The teacher would need to play a full role in the revision activity , monitoring and providing remedial help wherever necessary .
15 biological — conceiving , delivering and providing their child 's genetic make-up ;
16 What Greenfield and others are privileging and providing ideological support for is , in fact , their own academic establishment , their own work practice within it , their own values and rules .
17 Requesting and providing information .
18 It currently houses a defence contractor , Euravia Engineering & Supply , whose main line of activity is servicing and providing parts for military jet engines .
19 All these activities are aimed to ensure that as more job opportunities become available , the profession will compete successfully in attracting and providing accessible training for the highest quality students .
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