Example sentences of "[v-ing] [adv] responsibility " in BNC.

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1 Homicide affect superseded occurs diminished likelihood provocation led lose grievous effect category [ ‘ gauge ’ is correct ] analogous occurred accused alleged foresee [ ‘ proceeded ’ is correct ] inadvertently commit [ ‘ offence ’ is correct ] rebut offering argument adjudged admissible defendant [ ‘ appealed ’ is correct ] arguing led misled principal consensus existence irresistible paid parallel privilege believe indefensible lent its permissible occurring separately responsibility independent omission definitely abets accessory absence .
2 Once again we are led to the provisional conclusion that the poll tax was only one variable determining party support in individual district authorities , not least because of the problems voters had in deciding where responsibility lay .
3 He also noted that the task of sharing out responsibility for Yugoslavia 's foreign debt would take longer .
4 Brian says his only regret is giving up responsibility for Risley Site Services .
5 There is a crucial role for partnerships in taking on responsibility for the local co-ordination of education .
6 How do you feel about taking on responsibility ?
7 Objections to the proposals essentially turn on the terms under which any devolution would take place , and the question of the competence and reliability of the organisations which would be taking on responsibility for the sites .
8 The first perspective , Theory X , assumes that ( a ) the average person is lazy and does not care to work ; ( b ) most people must be coerced , directed and controlled if the organisation is to benefit by employing them ; ( c ) the average person lacks ambition and has no interest in taking on responsibility .
9 How can it seriously contemplate taking on responsibility for structure plans which , under the law , must form part of the framework of development plans covering Wales ?
10 The board yesterday decided to close 11 of its 77 community clinics after it was told that studies had shown that doctors ' practices were taking on responsibility for child health surveillance .
11 In 1988 , after the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza had started their uprising , he made another fateful decision , renouncing Jordan 's claim to the West Bank and handing over responsibility to the Palestine Liberation Organisation .
12 The move is vital because the NHS is handing over responsibility for these patients to the voluntary and private sector because of cash shortages , said John Kellett , a consultant geriatrician at St George 's Hospital in London .
13 Taking over responsibility for Britain 's nuclear deterrent from the RAF would be attractive only if funds allocated for it were transferred from the Air vote ; or
14 This also applies to owners taking over responsibility from defaulting tenants , and finance houses taking back property from mortgagors .
15 In the mid-1980s the French government did act to try to redress these trend , taking over responsibility for extra hospital services from the local departments .
16 It is also taking over responsibility from the DoH for the Council of Europe fellowships and World Health Organisation fellowships .
17 They have asked that we take that on , there is a report later in the agenda with detail on that , but as far as these papers are concerned that 's simply us taking over responsibility for the best part of two million pounds ' worth of spending which the health authority will refund to us by way of a section twenty eight grant .
18 The risk of the Kantineservice decision is that , although there is no true transfer of an undertaking when the franchisor is changed , the person acquiring the franchise may be seen as taking over responsibility for running the undertaking and will normally retain the original employees .
19 Speaking to defence writers , he made clear he was against the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation taking over responsibility for all peacekeeping in the former Yugoslavia should a ceasefire and peace be agreed .
20 Although retiring from office this year , warden Frank Wood will be carrying on responsibility for the general overseeing of the buildings and the Church Centre .
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