Example sentences of "[num] lots [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the interest in the sale lay in its younger and more international image , partly due to the inclusion of forty lots from the estate of Swedish collector , Frederik Roos .
2 This four-session sale of paintings , works of art and furniture comprises around 700 lots from the Paris apartment of Charles Hathaway , and includes the collection of Hubert de St Senoch , a Parisian socialite .
3 It is a brisk sale with some spirited bidding : 212 lots in just under two hours .
4 An entry of 30 lots in the suckler ring sold in a very good trade , with prices seeing a marked improvement over the last three to four weeks .
5 I have photocopied 10 lots of players and rules , for anybody who really cant get yesterday 's Torygraph .
6 Buying was dealer dominated , with a London dealer scooping up three of the top 10 lots in the second session .
7 As a result , Sotheby 's salvaged a poor session , selling forty of sixty-one lots for $11.2 million ( £6.2 million ) against presale estimates of $17.6–23.3 million .
8 So what 's six lots of one ?
9 Six lots of one how many would you have altogether ?
10 were six of you one for you and one for you and one for you six lots of one
11 Six lots of one
12 Six six lots of one
13 Six lots of six how many are there in your let's let's look at just three lots of two again .
14 How about if there were six of us and we all got one pound each so we 'd have six lots of one .
15 None so what 's six lots of none come to ?
16 Six lots of none .
17 None six lots of none .
18 Six lots of none will always come to the same as
19 Six lots of one ?
20 And six lots of nothing .
21 Six lots of nothing comes to nothing .
22 Six lots of two ?
23 Six lots of two .
24 And you do things like two lots of six makes twelve and six lots of two makes twelve .
25 So you 're going you got okay now we 've got six lots of
26 Two okay six lots of two .
27 He told Helen he must have gone off his head : he had written three lots of verses in one week ( including the one on Old Margaret and Headington Hill printed in Collected Poems , p. 458 ) .
28 Under the section of Abdominal Conditions it will be noticed that there are three lots of modalities .
29 A whole orange cut into three equal parts becomes three lots of 33⅓ parts .
30 This consists of three lots of three stitches .
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