Example sentences of "[was/were] convinced that " in BNC.

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1 Some years ago the teachers of one language pronounced themselves satisfied that at the end of a year the students of it had the capacity for literary reading ; the equally competent and concerned teachers of another language were convinced that their students had achieved no such capacity , and that the process was rather a waste of time .
2 All the findings of opinion polls and other surveys suggested that the overwhelming majority of ordinary citizens were convinced that the period of their nation 's history through which they had lived in the forty-odd years since the end of the war in 1945 , was a time of comfort and content .
3 Many , particularly among the younger deputies , were convinced that something radical had to be done .
4 Those who know Thomas well , like W. H. Hudson , were convinced that all his fictitious characters were dominated by recognizable traits of Thomas himself .
5 What was it they said about people who were convinced that the rest of the world was plotting against them ?
6 The compilers of the whole narrative , working at the time of the exile in Babylonia , were convinced that the catastrophe had overtaken their people because they and their kings had not been faithful to their God .
7 Others , particularly socialists , were convinced that the downward trend in population growth was not , in itself , a problem since the key to the future prosperity of Britain was to be found in the redistribution of income to ensure that all enjoyed an income sufficient to enjoy healthy life .
8 Some were impatient of disarmament talks which never resulted in the abandoning of a single weapon ; some were appalled by Civil Defence pamphlets which advocated spending your last four minutes on earth whitewashing your windows and by planners who talked blithely in terms of ‘ megadeaths ’ ; some were convinced that Armageddon would be next week : the immensely influential film of On the Beach showed the last survivors , in Melbourne , waiting for death in 1963 .
9 Although so little was heard from them , those who kept tabs on them were convinced that they were slowly fading away .
10 And most were convinced that if there was any one person who could testify to what the pop goddess looked like on waking up , it would be Jason .
11 ‘ Share prices simply look cheap , ’ he said , adding that fund managers were convinced that the economy as a whole is set to grow by 11/2 p.c. this year , with corporate earnings rising by around 5 p.c .
12 The police were convinced that either she 'd had an accident or committed suicide . ’
13 When Victorian naturalists first studied the African elephant in the field they were convinced that the dominant member of the herd must be the oldest bull .
14 Henry VIII 's doctors , for instance , were convinced that the King 's venereal disease was due to Cardinal Wolsey recklessly whispering in one of the Royal ears .
15 They could discharge the case if they were convinced that there were no grounds by the disputing party , or they could take the case to the Sheriff Court for a proof hearing .
16 I have to admit that when we started we were convinced that , like everybody else , we took a risk by investing in the tournament .
17 It is also important for us to remember that those who were opposed to the project were not merely negative but were convinced that there were other more effective ways for us to go forward .
18 Many , he said , were convinced that they had had no managerial experience , yet they had successfully brought up children , run a home , and far more .
19 ‘ Waddell says that the names Pat and Jimmy were used during the attack … it is no wonder the police were convinced that Griffiths and I were responsible . ’
20 But by the same token we were convinced that we were the best writers there were .
21 In the wake of Sputnik a large number of observers , sympathetic and hostile , were convinced that the USSR 's technical and scientific prowess , and the planning system which underpinned it , posed a profound challenge to the West 's values , institutions and international standing .
22 When a group of anti-embargo Americans organised a flotilla of 13 boats carrying aid to church organisations in Cuba from the Florida Keys on April 24th , right-wing groups were convinced that the stuff would end up in the hands of Mr Castro and the armed forces .
23 Most electricity men were convinced that , just as in lighting they had outmatched gas completely , it was only a matter of time before they did the same in other uses .
24 On the other side were many who voiced optimism and trust in the Holy Spirit rather than defensiveness , saw more need for encouragement than for condemnations , and were convinced that there was a new opportunity for liturgical and pastoral use of the Bible which must not be missed .
25 They were convinced that the Catholic Church needed a credible account of how God 's word acts in history , from the first formulation in human language through the gradual process of understanding , under changing historical conditions and as the Holy Spirit gives new insights .
26 However , even in the late 1970s we were convinced that ‘ many newspapers were increasingly using the soft pornography of rape reports , and reports of other sex crimes , as a mechanism to sell newspapers .
27 Marx and Engels were convinced that the capitalist mode of production , even without ruling class policy , systematically engenders false perceptions amongst the individuals within specific class locations .
28 In any case nobody wanted to reverse the process ; tobacco had been a pleasant commercial curtain-raiser but by the second half of the seventeenth century people in England were convinced that the real attraction of possessions overseas lay in the sugar islands .
29 Conservatives worried about the budget deficit implications of the proposed cut while the many liberals in congress were convinced that the cut did not go far enough .
30 They were convinced that equal allowances , financed out of general taxation so that the rich contributed more than the poor , should be given in all income groups because the responsibility of motherhood and the value of the child were the same whatever the status of the parents .
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