Example sentences of "[was/were] entered into " in BNC.

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1 He fulminated in the Knesset ( parliament ) this week against the government 's ‘ appeasement ’ , but stopped short of disavowing the Camp David accords and the Washington peace talks — both of which , after all , were entered into by Likud governments .
2 Particularly important is the evidence that , where elderly people are sharing with younger relatives , these arrangements often were entered into in the first instance for the benefit of the younger as much as the older generation .
3 He considered the role of the Council members as delegates to be suggestive of agency , but concluded that agency was defeated by the literal wording of the contracts which were entered into by the third parties in the following terms :
4 sought orders under section 6(2) directing the solicitors to pay such sums as the court thought fit for the purpose of restoring the investors to the position in which they were before the transactions were entered into and under section 61(1) directing the solicitors to pay such sums as the court thought fit or to take such steps as the court might direct for the purpose of remedying the first defendant 's contravention of sections 47 and 57 .
5 ‘ An order under section 6(2) requiring the third , fourth and fifth defendants to pay such sum as the court thinks fit to the plaintiffs or alternatively into court or alternatively to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 30 or , alternatively , to each and every investor who was a party to a transaction referred to in paragraph 31 in such manner as the court may direct for the purpose of restoring persons who entered into transactions with the first defendant in the course of contravention of section 3 by the first defendant to the position in which they were before the transactions were entered into .
6 But this should never carry the implication ( common in some branches of theory ) that no social relations were entered into in the course of using and developing inherent and constituted physical resources .
7 The Court of Appeal held that those transactions were valid so far as they were entered into for the purposes of interest rate risk management and not for trading purposes .
8 All the patients who were entered into this study were patients with multiple P T A , P T one , erm N X , M naught tumours , then I must stress that they were problem patients .
9 Ninety nine patients were entered into this study , two were ineligible , one because of previous malignancy and one because no marker tumour was left in the bladder .
10 In the present example the data were entered into a file from a terminal using free format , and a program was written to re-format the data according to the requirements of the SYMAP program .
11 The following GIMMS commands were entered into a file called ( on the Nottingham University ICL 3900 computer system ) PMMLIB.GIMMSAF .
12 Variables were entered into or removed from the logistic regression equation one at a time .
13 Variables that showed any significant differences ( p<0.05 ) were entered into a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis .
14 Patients were entered into the study after their first upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy showed Barrett 's oesophagus .
15 A number of modification versions of the modules were entered into LIFESPAN by the authorised user .
16 Subsequently the modifications were completed and all the modified modules were entered into LIFESPAN , albeit with development codes .
17 Two other modifications to the description resulted which were entered into LIFESPAN , and it was decided to carry out the quality approval .
18 If you do not indicate a start point for the list , LIFESPAN will start the list in the order the modules were entered into LIFESPAN .
19 Forty two patients ( 19 men ) were entered into the study .
20 One hundred and sixty patients were entered into the programme and had 739 colonoscopies ( 4.6 colonoscopies per patient ; 709 patient years follow up ) .
21 Therefore , of 180 patients eligible for colonic cancer surveillance in ulcerative colitis 160 were entered into the programme .
22 Eighty eight patients attending the Gastric Follow-Up clinic at York District Hospital were entered into the study .
23 Of 32 patients with proved cancer given laser treatment 12 ( 38% ) were entered into the study .
24 Only 12 of 32 patients referred with rectal or rectosigmoid cancer who received laser therapy during the 18 month period were entered into this study .
25 It can ensure that this sum is available when required by exchanging sterling today , when the contracts were entered into , at today 's spot rate .
26 In the example quoted , where higher rates of interest were available in sterling , compared with the US$ , then the forward rate would be lower than the spot on the day the contracts were entered into .
27 A marriage is so voidable if it has not been consummated because of the incapacity of either party , or because of one party 's wilful refusal to consummate it ; if the marriage was entered into without the consent of either party ( e.g. by reason of duress , mistake , or unsound mind ) ; if at the time of the marriage one party was suffering from mental disorder of such a kind as to render him or her unfitted for marriage , or from venereal disease ; or if the wife was at the time of the marriage pregnant by some other person than her husband .
28 ‘ grievously tormented with house-keepers … letting the Bible fall open of itself , I fixed my eyes immediately on these words , ‘ When my son was entered into the wedding chamber , he fell down and died .
29 If so , we can verify another insight , which was entered into the M notebook on 16 August 1838 : ‘ Origin of man now proved …
30 But since marriage was entered into for reasons of social , political and financial convenience it was hardly possible to celebrate love except outside it .
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