Example sentences of "[was/were] turning out " in BNC.

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1 I threatened to put him on a discipline charge because whenever the drunks were turning out , you 'd find him in the station writing some trivial bike without a light .
2 These now formed , with the former king , a three-man invasion committee to plan the military operations while shipyards from Brittany to Provence , and factories in Toulon and Brest , were turning out the shipping , munitions , clothing and harness needed .
3 Ignored and forgotten , Jess moved closer , fascinated by the way things were turning out .
4 Both guitars share Mr. Donahue 's preferred neck profile , medium-deep and noticeably ‘ V ’ shaped , not unlike the ones Fender were turning out in late ‘ 56 and ‘ 57 .
5 She was not all that sure that things were turning out so well with Nicky , but she was ready to admit that everything else about the south was idyllic .
6 Surely no supporter actually believed Bobby Charlton , Justin Fashanu and Tom Finney were turning out for United ?
7 She was pleased with the way things were turning out .
8 They were turning out into the village street again now , leaving behind them the stone ranks of the dead , with their propitiatory offerings of flowers and foliage .
9 And as he had n't at first referred to the wedding-dress , last night or until they 'd reached the spinney that morning , so he did n't refer now to the fantasies of Timothy Gedge that were turning out not to be fantasies at all .
10 ‘ But what about your own work ? ’ she enquired tentatively , not at all sure she liked the way things were turning out .
11 They were turning out raw youngsters last season in the Ulster league and there was no way they could survive .
12 I did n't see it this morning when I was turning out your room . ’
13 The nuthouse was turning out to be quite cosmopolitan with a Cockney and a German as well as the locals .
14 The President might not want them , but sense , and democracy , required it ; so while part of the NSC was on fire with the President 's wishes , another part was turning out position papers of a hopeless and reasonable kind .
15 It was turning out to be a day unlike any other he had spent at Gibbet Hall .
16 He also called for a full investigation into Orkney 's Social Work Department , and the RSSPCC whose involvement was turning out to be very much more fundamental than had at first been supposed .
17 Theo had been confiding his disappointment with the way his life was turning out , and Vincent quickly swept in with an indictment : ‘ It seems to me that the whole art business is rotten . ’
18 Amazing , when you thought about it , but it was turning out to be an amazing war .
19 They may have been glad , since she was turning out to be hard to amuse , that she slept deeply in the early afternoons .
20 Dorrainge was turning out to be very meddlesome .
21 In a backyard shack in a Dallas suburb , and outside of normal working hours , he was turning out custom-built metal detectors that were of such advanced design for their day , that they wee superior to many of the commercially available machines of the time .
22 Being an artist 's model was turning out to be somewhat more traumatic than she had anticipated .
23 It was turning out to be quite a good day .
24 Stef was turning out to be very trying ; she seemed unable to accept that one love can finish just like that — poof ! — and a new one begin .
25 Quite glad to abandon what was turning out to be a very wet hunt , she walked with the little girl back to the hotel .
26 By January 1941 a Central Statistical Office was turning out regular reports on production figures , inflation , consumption and manpower resources .
27 The evening was turning out to be much more enjoyable than she 'd anticipated .
28 This assignment that , initially , had seemed simple and straightforward was turning out to be no such thing .
29 The young man looked startled that what he 'd thought was just a speck in his eye was turning out to be something much more serious .
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