Example sentences of "[was/were] true of " in BNC.

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1 If this were true of him , and if the animal stamina demanded of a Secretary of State were so great , did n't that disqualify good men who lacked only that stamina ?
2 It might be argued that , even if such a statement were true of certain of Friedman 's works , it would not necessarily reveal anything about the man himself and also that the appeal to cognition was irrelevant .
3 If this were true of all individuals , then the aggregate demand for money ( MD ) could be written as proportional to money national income ( Y ) : where k is a constant .
4 What was true of Rodin 's sculpture is also worth consideration by any reader of a sculptural monograph .
5 And what was true of France has also been true , a little later , of the English-speaking world .
6 ‘ That was true of Mussolini and Hitler above all ; and to some extent of Reagan , you see .
7 The same was true of NEP as a fiscal reform .
8 Francis Pym 's dismissal from the office of Foreign Secretary was widely reported in advance during the 1983 general election ; the dismissals of Patrick Jenkin at Environment and Peter Rees at the Treasury in September 1985 were extensively trailed over the summer ; the same was true of Mr Biffen 's dismissal in June 1987 .
9 The same was true of breeders who chose sires by eye alone , or , even worse , on price .
10 This was true of what he did about both high policy and low politics .
11 This was true of the family vendetta , the resort to assassination as a political tactic , the systematic use of torture by the State .
12 The same was true of market produce ; some growers concentrating on just one crop so that ‘ whole tracts , like large arable fields , were sown with only cabbages or asparagus ’ , and he also appreciated the local economy in forcing asparagus through the necks of broken bottles .
13 This was true of Uruguay in relation to the war between Somalia and Ethiopia .
14 The same was true of ITV , after the screening of Death on the Rock , Granada 's investigation into 1988 SAS killings of three IRA members in Gibraltar .
15 The same was true of cattle in much of Europe at the time , and probably reflected neglected animal husbandry and a failure to breed selectively in a period when crop-growing was far more important than livestock .
16 What was true of Methodism was true of the other churches in the town and district , and in the county as a whole .
17 What was true of Methodism was true of the other churches in the town and district , and in the county as a whole .
18 Similarly , the stagnation in student numbers between the two world wars was true of most British universities .
19 Such was true of those who scoffed at the idea that Blacks had moral rights .
20 The same was true of Greenock ( 1870 ) and Paisley ( 1874 ) in Scotland ( from Glasgow ) .
21 If Warsaw was a glorified recruiting post , then the same in miniature was true of Danzig .
22 Until 1911 , the same was true of a Bill passed by the House of Commons and rejected by the House of Lords .
23 Those who are born in the Third World have a considerably smaller chance of surviving childhood than those born here — and the same was true of those born in the West a hundred years ago .
24 I wish the same was true of aquatic outlets in general …
25 This was true of the industrial areas but also the rural communities which had ancient Catholic communities .
26 The same was true of Monroe .
27 He said there was no evidence of Waddell 's fingerprints at Ayr , but did n't add the same was true of Meehan .
28 This was true of the declared intention to establish not just a common commercial policy once the transitional period had been concluded , but also of objectives which were to be sought during the transitional phase : a common transport policy , free movement of workers , and a common agricultural policy .
29 The same was true of Street Scene , which Vidor directed for Goldwyn-United Artists in 1931 .
30 This was true of both the English metropolitan and provincial press .
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