Example sentences of "[was/were] looking more " in BNC.

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1 Some mountain farmers were looking more and more to tourism to provide the extra income necessary to allow them to continue living on their farms .
2 By contrast , the research studies were looking more broadly at the whole child care service , and seeing the remedies prescribed by previous reports on similar scandals spreading over the whole system , and informing a confrontational , antagonistic and defensive approach to work requiring a more collaborative and inclusive spirit .
3 The whole bunch were looking more and more like liabilities .
4 Sussex , some long-haired , denim-clad veteran of the sixties complained , was looking more and more like a housing estate for first-time buyers .
5 ‘ It 's true to say I did see Prince Andrew the other night and I might add he was looking more handsome than ever , ’ she said .
6 Mrs Newton was looking more and more agitated , as I spoke .
7 It was looking more and more as if the source might be Nazi Intelligence .
8 She spotted a couple of receptionists in designer whites , coats slung around their shoulders against the chance of a late afternoon shower ; and then , because she was looking more closely now , she spotted a couple of doctors in conversation on the steps before their town house offices .
9 He 's a thief , done time probably and well , ’ the waitress was looking more uneasy and going redder as she talked herself into more trouble , ‘ anyway here he is , ’ and she scuttled off .
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